Uh-oh – last night’s Trump SOTU address was NOT good TO Democrats

by Skip

CBC sitting on their hands

Obama was right: “I won”…”You don’t like my policies? Go out and win an election“.  So, the Republicans did and Trump has certainly changed policies.  Pretty much all of them.  And made sure that everyone knew it – good news for us that voted to sandbag the Socialists None of those programs have been Progressive/Socialist in the least – while Trump may still not be a Conservative himself, he certainly is governing as one.  As I have said before, don’t listen to what they SAY, pay attention to what they DO!

So the Dems last night not only were sucking on lemons-on-steroids but had to listen to their LightBringer’s legacy, built on ephemeral Executive Orders, crumbling around them with a few Republican legislative efforts thrown in (deleting regulation after regulation via CRA, Tax Reform, getting rid of the heart and soul linchpin of Obamacare – the Individual Mandate).  And let’s not forget Trump signed an E.O. last night that canceled Obama’s E.O. to close Gitmo!  But last night, the Democrats showed what Socialists do best (when they’re not in power) – sore Loserville losers.  Here’s a list of the topics that they refused (with very few exceptions) to stand or applaud for:

– job creation
– higher wages
– lower African American and Hispanic unemployment rates
– bonuses for employees

Not even the Congressional Black or Hispanic Caucuses would stand for that – what, they want them POORER??

– securing the border
– fighting the opioid epidemic
– merit-based immigration
– the American flag and the national anthem
– in God we trust
– a path to citizenship
– Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital
– diminishing the Islamic State
– lower prescription drug costs
– defense and modernizing our nuclear arsenal

In my eyes, each and everyone of these makes a better America, stronger America, a wealthier America – allowing Americans to be less dependent on Government handouts.

Oh, is that why?

(H/T: Townhall)

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