Trump vs Iran

candidate TrumpIn a piece over at The, two writers outline why Mr. Trump’s Iran Speech matters. The Obama deal was a sham with a payoff.

President Obama promised that on his watch Iran would not get nuclear weapons. Obama achieved this by cutting a deal that effectively paid off Iran upfront to delay a nuclear breakout until after he left office. He did this at the cost of greatly fortifying Iran’s predatory, Islamist regime, without ending its nuclear program. That is what Trump has inherited. As he accurately summed it up: “We got weak inspections in exchange for no more than a purely short-term and temporary delay in Iran’s path to nuclear weapons.”

Iran got everything it wanted to allow it to continue its quest plus a plane full of money. Mr. Trump, rightly, sees Iran as a threat worse than North Korea whom past administrations ignored or appeased to the point where we’re watching missiles fly over our allies. If Congress can’t come up with a way sanctions or meaningful inspections in 60 days, Mr. Trump will pull the plug on the deal altogether.

Mr. Trump, rightly, sees Iran as a threat worse than North Korea whom past administrations ignored or appeased to the point where we’re getting nuclear tests and watching missiles fly over our allies.

While Iran is testing ballistic missiles, I doubt it will be doing much sabre rattling. Once they think they have a working bomb, it will end up in the hands of Hamas or some other third party actor, or we’ll just see missiles flying.

So, if Congress can’t come up with a way to enforce real sanctions or meaningful inspections in 60 days, Mr. Trump will pull the plug on the deal completely.

Liberals will cry. Obamabots will moan. Iran will do both. Iran will even call it an act of war. But Iran has been at war with us for decades now. And anyone who takes Iran’s goals seriously understands that they will do whatever it takes to destroy their enemies, Jew, Muslim, Christian, or decadent appeasement monkey liberal progressives.

The Obama Iran Deal, much like the Paris Climate Accord didn’t do anything except give Mr. Obama some hot air to puff up his ego on a word stage Iran would happily set on fire at the first opportunity.

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