Blogline of the Day – Really, is anyone really surprised The Dealer worked with the Dems?

by Skip


…It’s over.

The election is finally over.

Democrats finally have accepted the results.

Trump saw this, and cashed in on Wednesday. He is playing the Democratic Party leadership against the Republican Party leadership that for nine months have blown him off.

Indeed – what has the Congressional leadership done with Trump? Gorsuch and a number of anti-regulation legislation – one biggie and a lot of little stuff.  None of it would hurt them politically. Easy-peazy.

Obamacare?  Tax reform? DACA?  Passing appropriation bills in “regular order” instead of, YET AGAIN, a Continuing Resolution? They’re scared stiff of all that stuff – so in a passive-aggressive slow roll style, Ryan and McConnell have turned to politicalese speech to CYA themselves.  In essence, NeverDealers. How could they be they’re scared of their own political shadow and for their own seats. Paralysis normal Republican behavior has ensued. They want the wins, they want the control – but don’t want to do anything that would threaten that Power.

Except they refuse to learn that if they drop that Power, we will take it from them again. They got it all – and what do WE have to show for giving it to them?

You can’t do that forever with a guy whose business is deals – he’ll just move on to folks who will deal. A dealer is only concerned about the deals – and he’ll deal with those that will deal with him.  And he holds grudges and I think he has reason to have a grudge against the Republicans as they’ve done nothing.  Talked big, promised much, talked – delivered little.  They’ve proven to not want to get things done.

And THAT, the unwillingness to fight to get things done (and do it in a half-a**sed fashion that also irks a guy that knows that in the private sector you HAVE to produce or you’re out) that has torqued him off.  Can’t say that I blame him.

Look, I’m not being an apologist here for Trump. As I posted here, I’m no fan of spending money that is unconstitutional.  And I disagree with the fact that if the deal is passed, there is no debt ceiling (just WAIT until the piper has to be paid for $20 Trillion). Yes, my TEA Partyism showing – it is immoral to continue to pile on the debt on my kids and grandkids.

But did the Republican Leadership do anything about it? How long have they had complete control over the power of the purse? What’s worse they are IRATE that they have to do the redo in December – they wanted an 18-month pushback! They wanted to punt that decision until AFTER the next election – one again kicking the can down the road.  Political cowardice.

I may HATE the stuff that the Democrats do when they have control, but they have shown that they won’t waste election campaign capital – they DO. Republicans? Once again, no guts and covered in cowardice. Instead of catching the ball and doing something with it, they’re already looking to the next game. That’s not being successful – that’s going into the locker room before the first quarter is over. And they wonder why Trump ignored them?

Sad – they virtually handed it to the Democrats. I would have hoped that Trump might have been The Stopper, but he’s The Dealer first.

(H/T: Don Surber)

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