DACA finally gets its due?

by Skip

illegal alien signDACA – the Obama self-declared law (“Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals”) was an Executive Order that basically violated the existing immigration Law duly passed by Congress.  It made a “safe space” from keeping kids, these DREAMERs, that were brought here illegally by their illegal immigrant parents free from being deported.  As I have said before, while the Democrats and MSM concentrated on the kids (Oh, how can you hold them at fault!), they used this to skip over the responsibility of their parents from putting them into a situation where they WOULD be deported.  And we are still seeing the MSM going after the Republicans for enforcing the Law that a Democrat broke.  However, even as Trump has not killed DACA off yet, it’s time may well be coming due:

On June 29, Texas and nine other states informed the Justice Department that it had until September 5 to make DACA a lawor they would sue to have DACA declared illegal. The suit would be heard by the same judge who issued the previous injunction. Today, the judge showed that the threat is real:

A federal judge on Thursday preserved the path for Texas to challenge the 2012 deportation amnesty for Dreamers, delivering a blow to immigrant-rights advocates who had hoped to short-circuit the case. U.S. District Judge Andrew S. Hanen agreed to put the case on hold until Sept. 5.

While seemingly innocuous, the ruling heaps pressure on President Trump, who now must decide whether to defend the controversial Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals amnesty, known as DACA, or to drop the defense, which could pave the way for a phase-out of the amnesty.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton had given Mr. Trump a Sept. 5 deadline to announce a decision, and the judge’s order on Thursday preserves that timetable.

Then-homeland security secretary John Kelly has said that the administration will probably not defend the law in court.

And if not, the E.O. known as DACA (RedState is wrong in calling it “the law” in the last sentence – it is no such thing) will be deferred no longer.

Yes, they were brought here not of their own accord – but the parents deliberately contravened our law with nary a thought of respecting it.  Sure, they may have wanted a better life for their kids and DACA gave them a “Mission Accomplished” thumbs up.  The Dems and MSM, again, will blame Trump and the Republicans if they start getting deported.  What they will ignore will be the parent is.  All we hear now is that the Trump is splitting up parents as those illegal alien parents get deported (not just with DACA parents but those parents who birthed their kids here and have American citizenship).  It is not Trump, nor the Republicans, and not even the Law – the parents caused this situation and they are the ones that should be shamed by putting their children at risk.

Even Obama should wear blame in this; he turned this Rule of Law into a Rule of Man (like he unilaterally did in a number of areas) via E.O. and refusal to defend the Law.  Tit for Tat as Obamacare will be chopped up (I just wish that Trump had decided not to keep paying out the CSR payments to the healthcare insurance companies – another unilateral action by Obama in which he thumbed his nose at both Congress and the Constitution by spending money that wasn’t duly Appropriated).

I hope that DACA is shot down – NO one is above the Law, not even children.

(H/T: RedState)

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