One racist post deserves another: “Congressional Black Caucus Doesn’t Want To Dilute Its Racial Purity”

by Skip

Whites are outright, well, evil (my post before this).  Here is an another outright racist post but it seems that because it is by elected US Congressional Representatives, racial purity is a feature and not a bug. Hey, discrimination comes with the territory – and it is condoned.  What the blacks in the Congressional Black Caucus won’t do is let a black Hispanic caucus with them because “The CBC has a long-standing policy of limiting its caucus to African-American members”.

So there’s a new “Latino of African descent” that wants to be in both the Congressional BLACK Caucus as well as the Congressional HISPANIC Caucus by the name of Adriano Espaillat (Dominican past).  The CBC doesn’t want him – not black enough for them.  Because of his skin color (or depending on your viewpoint, a lack thereof).

Now, I know that I’m about to needle the racist SJWs out there with this, but just like in politics, I think that the phrase “If a Republican did this” works here (or in discussing race -“if a white did this”) instantly comes to mind and applies here. The outrage would be volcanic and last FOREVER.  Ostracizism, shunning, destroying, writing, marching, phoning, social media storms – each and every one of the normal tools of the Leftist SJW Faux Outrage Battalion would be employed – as long as the perceived “oppressor” is not one of them.  Be of their political persuasion, however, then it turns into “hey, here’s yer ‘Get out of Jail Free’ card”.  Being a Lefty means pretty much doing anything you want (including swearing, doxxing, swatting, and rioting) and being like Ted “The Swimmer” Kennedy (e.g., never having to say you’re sorry).

So it is with the CBC – solidarity forever as long as, well, we judge you to be black enough. Sorta like the rest of the Left Identity Political Fringe Groups – do not violate a single scintilla of the rules of the Collective (or a micro-Collective); we’ll turn on you.  Don’t violate the Democrat totem pole – or your position on it (e.g., know your place); we’ll turn on you.  If you’re white.

So a pass is a pass on skin – in this case, one skin will not be with another. After all, they’re rioting over a two week old Presidency – and not a single SJW will march of this (much less even just a head nod).

And discrimination will continue.  Legally.  Because it’s Congress.

(H/T: RedState)

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