Carl Robert Gibson Gets A Taste of His Own Medicine


carlgibsonIs turnabout fair play? I don’t know, but I know a laugh riot when I see one.

US Uncut believes Ryan Clayton and the John Doe defendants (yet to be identified) are behind a scheme that unfolded on August 3, 2016 to hijack control of US Uncut’s Facebook page. The hijacking has resulted in US Uncut losing its administrator rights to its Facebook page, meaning US Uncut can no longer control the content of its Facebook page. Making matters worse, a new (and anonymous) administrator for the US Uncut Facebook page is posting content to the page in order to direct US Uncut’s audience to a copycat website called “”

It seems our old vote thief and candidate impersonator, Carl Robert Gibson, had another professional protester, from New Hampshire, ATTEMPT TO STEAL THE NAME OF HIS STUPID WEBSITE!

Who Is Paying All The Legal Bills?

As Carl Robert Gibson awaits his next turn in court for impersonating now State Representative Yvonne Dean-Bailey (in an attempt to sabotage her first election campaign) some other guy registered his US Uncut LLC web site; which is just a self-congratulatory showcase for his sophomoric political stunts. The kind that verged on criminal and which resulted in his getting arrested so many times in so many states.

Somehow Carl has enlisted the aid of Divine Millimett in a Federal case to get his “trade farce” back. Our, no visible means of support political prankster is already hogging up the NH State Supreme Court’s time in his pending, impersonating a candidate” trial.

I hope he racks up a ton of legal bills before he waddles back to Kentucky, Wisconsin, and Connecticut.

This new case opens up a few more doors as to how the Let in New Hampshire operates.

Thank the Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers for our excellent job of stalking of these moonbats while we expose the big money and bad actors who infect our elections.


US UNCUT Preliminary Injunction

[su_document url=”” width=”540″ height=”660″]pdf[/su_document]


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