Our hats off to Joe McQuaid for penning an editorial of apology for their poor judgement in choosing to endorse Chris Christie for President.
Watching Christie kiss the Donald’s ring this weekend — and make excuses for the man Christie himself had said was unfit for the presidency — demonstrated how wrong we were. Rather than standing up to the bully, Christie bent his knee. In doing so, he rejected the very principles of his campaign that attracted our support.
I’m a little sketchy on the finer points but if memory serves the “principles of his campaign” were to say what he thought people wanted to hear and to deny facts that surfaced to the contrary. McQuaid continues,
Voters here apparently knew better than we. Most rejected Christie but divided their votes among several others, leaving Trump to claim victory. And now, despite specifically telling us that he would never endorse him, Christie is backing Trump.
Mia Culpa’s aside, this may just be a very good time to add some distance. The Trump endorsement is proving to be Christie’s Kryptonite. Yahoo! News, after exclaiming its astonishment at the Union Leaders admission, documents the fall or New Jersey’s Gubnuh, from political grace.
On Sunday, Hewlett-Packard chief executive Meg Whitman, who served as the national finance co-chairman for Christie’s failed presidential campaign, called his endorsement of Trump“an astonishing display of political opportunism.”
“Chris Christie is now ruined,”the Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin wrote in an op-ed. “If it had not been obvious to him before this weekend, his political career is essentially over.”
Widely respected NH conservative activist Jeff Chidester, who also publicly endorsed Chris Christie, has yet to remark on any of this. But it does give us an opportunity to engage in some friendly ribbing. What was that Jeff wrote when he endorsed the man?
Christie understands in order for shared governance to remain workable, and functioning on behalf of the people, it requires a leader who possesses commonsense, maturity and intellect. Christie also understands effective governing is not for the selfish.
So much for that idea. It’s OK. We all make mistakes. Joe McQuaid and the Union Leader have admitted to theirs and got off the boat before it sank. Jeff may want to consider joining them. Soon.