Bernie Supporter C. Robert Gibson Cries “Election Fraud”


Sanders C Robert GibsonIf you want a laugh after the Bernie Sanders meltdown in Massachusetts look no farther than our voter suppression trial “star-in-waiting” Carl Robert Gibson.

Carl, or C. Robert as he likes to be called now, was here in NH in 2015 to assist Bernie Sanders in any small way he could. C. Robert knows NH like the back of his hand from campaigning here in 2012 against Congressman Frank Guinta. NH draws a lot of scum bags to our primary. C. Robert Gibson is just one of them.

But in 2015 C. Robert was caught Tweeting that a young Republican candidate for a special election was dropping out of the race. Gibson was pretending to be that young Republican candidate. That is where he fell afoul of the law and was arrested.

I guess his writing career has been cut short since about last November 2015. I can’t find any recent articles from C. Robert on any of his regular web sites. Aljazeera doesn’t have anything new from C. Robert. USUncut, Truthout, and several other anti-establishment sites have nothing from our boy.

But his Tweets are still active and interesting. You will never guess what he is bitching about in his March 1, 2016 Tweets.


Undocumented claims of voter suppression of Bernie voters by pro-Hillary forces of darkness has C. Robert all a-Twitter!

It’s not surprising a progressive like C. Robert, awaiting trial for real voter suppression in NH, would be upset at supposed voter suppression when it is targeted at his favorite progressive candidate.

That is how the progressive mind works.


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