Trump isn’t a ‘Regular Joe’ but he’s Convinced some Americans Otherwise

Kimberly Morin

piedpiperTrump was brought up in wealth and has lived his entire lifetime in wealth. There’s nothing wrong with that. His Father worked hard; he worked hard and now his kids work hard. They are indeed part of the ‘evil 1%.’

But many of his supporters seem to think he is just a ‘Regular Joe’ when he’s not.

Trump lost me at the first Republican debate when he said Canadian healthcare is excellent. It’s not. He clearly doesn’t know anyone who has to suffer under their single payer system. I do.

Neither Trump nor his family would ever have to worry about Obamacare or ANY single payer nightmare the government may try to shove down our throats because he and his family will always be able to afford private, elite care. Most Americans cannot.

Trump doesn’t understand why so many Americans don’t like him because of his stance on eminent domain. Regular Americans have been put through hell (some by Trump himself) because they didn’t want to give up the homes they and their family worked hard for all their lives.

Trump will never have to worry about the government using eminent domain on one of his homes.

Trump is completely clueless about Common Core. No child in his family will ever be subject to this horrific public education scam because they will all attend private, elite schools that would never teach such deplorable methods.

While regular Americans are worrying about how they’ll make their next mortgage payment, Trump was wondering how much to pay which politician in order to get them to do something he wanted.

Trump doesn’t seem to grasp how the 3 branches of government work or that he can’t simply make rules or demands without congressional approval. His experience with government has been to pay off politicians and then use government for things he wanted to get done for his personal gain. That’s not how it works for regular Americans. We suckers have to play by the rules.

Trump doesn’t play on the same field as regular Americans yet he’s somehow gotten regular Americans to believe he’s ‘one of them.’

Is it because Trump will say anything he believes they want to hear? He does seem to change his stance when told by advisers.

Is it because Trump will go against the media and politicians?

Or is it because Trump talks like a punk kid from the Bronx who doesn’t have any manners when he isn’t around his Mother? Granted Trump behaved much more like an adult in the last two debates.

Whatever it is, Trump has managed to convince ‘Regular Joes’ across America that he’s one of them and that he understands their plight.

It’s easy to understand that Americans are pissed off at the Beltway. Who isn’t? Even the left has had it with the ‘Establishment.’ But because someone is outside of D.C. in appearances doesn’t mean they haven’t been knee-deep in the bullsh*t all along and indeed Trump has been knee-deep.

What’s unfortunate is that his supporters don’t want to peel back the layers of the onion to truly see what Trump is all about. They are following the pied piper but do they actually know where he’s leading them?

Could it be that Trump’s last minute ‘switch’ to conservatism is real and not just an act to be the big winner in the biggest reality show of his life?

And I wonder… where have we seen this before?

Oh and for the record, I’ve met Trump. I thought he was a nice guy. Great to interview. He DOES come off as just a ‘regular guy’ but that’s where it gets dicey. Trump’s ‘normal’ isn’t the same as what the majority of Americans experience on a regular basis and that’s why some of his statements on policy should scare the crap out of conservatives.


  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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