Who didn’t see this coming?
It seems that when Grant Bosse approached me to be hired as House Chief of Staff after the House Republican vote to support me for Speaker, I should have been a little more encouraging to him.
The Union Leader has an opinion piece today from Grant Bosse in which he says, “After the House Republican Caucus made the brutal mistake of nominating Rep. Bill O’Brien for speaker, ignoring two years of solid evidence that the Mont Vernon Republican is simply not suited for the job, Jasper launched his candidacy from the House floor.”
Putting aside the obvious falsehood that Jasper’s candidacy was launched, not from the House floor, but from Kelly Ayotte’s office, Job Applicant Bosse certainly was not discussing such a brutal mistake or responding to any such solid evidence when he told me then about the great things we could do together.
William O’Brien – Facebook
Nobody is perfect but Mr. O’Brien and his Republican House kept their promise, cut the budget, reined in government, tried to end forced unionization, attempted to end the shadow tax of RGGI, and put forth and defended a Conservatarian Republican agenda; things anathema to those more obsessed with the titles, power, and connections that come from winning elections than from using those things to defend Republican principles or to protect the rights and property of constituents.
So who didn’t see this coming?
Grant has always been one of those establishment guys. This journalistic exercise does not surprise me, nor do I suspect it is a surprise to Mr. O’Brien, who probably never gave serious consideration to Bosse’s offer to serve as his Chief of Staff.
What would have surprised me is if Grant wasn’t an Ayotte/establishment plant sent to try and get inside the O’Brien Speakers office were Bill to survive their concerted effort to keep him out.
They kept O’Brien out of the Speaker’s Chair …so that they could (so they assumed) be rewarded with electoral good fortune in 2016. And how did that work out?
Under the Establishment leadership voters have been rewarded with the advancement of Democrat priorities under a Republican majority. Taxpayers will be rewarded with expanded-expanded Medicaid and the decline of their own fortunes care of the broad-based taxes that will follow. And the same establishment that wallows in these accomplishments will be “rewarded” for their “hard work” when they lose elections because the base can no longer see any advantage to rewarding Republicans with re-election for advancing the Democrat agenda under GOP colors.
Bosse’s disgorgement of establishment opinion on the pages of the Useless Leader remind us that in their GOPe bubble they think they can win elections in New Hampshire without the base.
They can’t. It’s already been proven. They just refuse to admit it. And rather than behave like Republicans and follow their own platform they will lose and blame the base because it is easier and more desirable than lifting their heads from the DC trough and ending their own addiction to the scarps left by an elitist political class of which they so desperately need to feel a part.