Apparently, even grown men need a ‘safe space’


What for, you ask?  Well, according to a Clinton former staffer and creator of a new online forum called #Hillarymen, liberal dudes need a comfortable, safe spot for them to “openly support a female candidate” and “identify and fight back against sexism in the 2016 race.”


You read that right.  The members say that even grown men need a safe zone, even if it is for a non-existent threat like ‘sexism’ in the 2016 race.

Clearly this is only a nauseating extension of the latest barrage of liberal college idiots who have been screaming for their safe places because they saw a Halloween costume that was the epitome of “race appropriation” or some such ridiculousness.  (See Mike’s post!) But the college idiots at least have the weak excuse of not being mature;  after all, they are still kids, right?   One cannot say the same of the #Hillarymen member pictured above.

If grown men are admitting to feeling threatened–for nothing so much as supporting the inevitable coronation of the Democrat candidate–then those virtual safe places are not going to fix the problem.  A more intensive approach will be necessary, as those men will most likely need a bit more comforting.

I have a solution!  Maybe #Hillarymen should jam in to the safe rooms with the college kids?

Hmm.  Let’s think about this for a minute.  Cramming everyone together would certainly put a drain on the supplies of lavendar tea, fuzzy bunnies, and snuggy blankets.   You know what happens when there is more demand than supply?  Competition!  (And competition with the grown ups for the cushy comfort stuff might make the college kids feel threatened.) And competition can be aggressive, and not just in the micro-aggression way, the REAL aggression way!  Man, this could be a real catastrophe all around.

What do we do about this?!




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