When you Wake Up and your Rights are Gone – it’s Too Late

Kimberly Morin

Gun-ControlI wasn’t raised in a family with firearms. I never even thought of owning a firearm until about 5 years ago when I still lived in Marxichusetts. I never even thought much about the 2nd Amendment but knew that it was there to protect our rights to own firearms.

Until I woke up.

I was getting death threats and being stalked from union hacks in Wisconsin during the big union fight. I was involved from a social media perspective and they didn’t like it at all, especially since they kept losing. Whether the people threatening me would actually follow through, I had no idea but I decided I wanted to protect myself given the very long history of violence committed by union thugs.

You cannot go to a store and buy a firearm for self defense (or any other purpose) in Massachusetts until you get permission from the government after going through mounds of red tape and hoops.  It’s actually OBSCENE what you have to go through to buy back your right in Massachusetts. You can read it here. Of course, criminals don’t bother with all of this government rigmarole, but they still get firearms.

The photo below shows the ridiculous process in a lovely little diagram.


So I had a situation that caused me to WANT to protect myself and I couldn’t do it using a firearm until I played the government’s game. That process can take up to 3 months or more in Massachusetts depending upon your police chief.  And at the time you even needed permission just to get mace or pepper spray which we all know don’t work nearly as good as a firearm.

That’s when I decided to flee the state I was born and raised in. Because I woke up and realized they had taken my rights away and they left me defenseless as a result.

I can’t blame them because I didn’t know. I didn’t pay attention. I didn’t fight for my rights.

The legislators in office (majority Democrat) just chipped away at our rights over many years until it became easier for a criminal to get a firearm than a law-abiding citizen.


And that was the final straw that sent me packing (pun intended) to the Granite State.

I woke up but it was too late so I fled to where I actually COULD protect myself how I saw fit.

New Hampshire has less strict gun control laws than Massachusetts yet violent crime rate per capita is much higher. Go figure. More illegal firearms are sold within Massachusetts state lines to other criminals than any come from out of state (Democrats like to lie about that little factoid). No, criminals aren’t buying large numbers of firearms in New Hampshire and bringing them back to the Nanny State.

The point of this post is twofold –

  • Background on why I fight. I know what it’s like to have my rights taken away.
  • Why we ALL need to fight to protect our fundamental right to self defense. Democrats will do everything possible to take those rights away from all of us law-abiding citizens due to the actions of a few psychopathic criminals.

More people are indeed waking up but they need to not only wake up but be LOUD about it. Inform people about the truth because Democrats do nothing but LIE about gun statistics and yes that includes Obama.

Hold your legislators accountable for their actions and be sure their constituency knows as well. If they vote against your right to protect yourself and your family, boot them out.

Democrats are talking about repealing the 2nd Amendment and putting the ‘Assault Weapon’ ban in effect again. Some are indeed actually admitting they want to outright confiscate and ban firearms.

Wake up and fight for your rights before it’s too late. Gun control does nothing to stop criminals but everything to make it harder for law-abiding citizens to protect themselves FROM criminals.


I’ll have another post soon about what Democrats across the country and in New Hampshire are doing. They are pushing for more gun control yet again even though all their gun control has proven to be an epic failure that only causes innocent people to be killed. And make no mistake, there are some Republicans who have a love affair with control as well but the majority rests on Democrats.


As a side note. I didn’t just come to New Hampshire and purchase firearms.

I have taken multiple classes (Sig Sauer Basic Pistol, NRA Basic Pistol, NRA Personal Protection in the Home, NRA Refuse to be a Victim and plan on taking many Second Amendment Foundation training classes). I’ve also become an instructor (Certified Range Safety Officer, NRA Basic Pistol Instructor, NRA RTBAV Instructor and NRA PPIH Instructor… going for Rifle Instructor next).

I’m not only a law-abiding gun owner but an educated and trained one.


  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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