We are getting way too complacent these days. As a nation, we are so used to politicians going back on their promises, we now vote to elect “the lesser of two evils”. But, let us not fool ourselves. The lesser of two evils is still EVIL.
The scourge of our Republic is what is known as Campaign Conservatives. Campaign Conservatives are politicians who tell us they will stand and support small government policies, then once elected, go out and vote to support bloated, big government legislation.
Campaign Conservatives tell us they will stand to defund taxpayer- supported Planned Parenthood, then abdicate that stance under political pressure from the Left.
Campaign Conservatives will spout verse and chapter on being against amnesty, then quickly jump that “bi-partisan fence”, and support legislation which rewards illegal behavior.
Campaign Conservatives will lecture how we need to be fiscally responsible and then will vote to raise the debt limit – again, and again, and again. Or, they will support job-killing legislation or Executive Orders from on high which inhibit and stifle job growth.
The truth is Campaign Conservatives have been the scourge of our Republic because by electing them, we empower their behavior. By empowering them, conservatives will continue to have no voice at the table. Campaign Conservatives have rendered us mute. And, we have allowed them to do so.
Personally, I am disgusted at the current state of affairs. It is an enigma to me how so many people can settle for “the lesser of two evils”. By doing so, we are giving away our power as a voting block to those who have demonstrated their contempt for our support.
To those who say, “there’s nothing we can do”, or “they are all corrupt anyway”, you are absolutely abdicating your responsibilities to strengthen our Republic. “They” are elected by “Us”, and by not standing up and saying NO MORE, we are getting exactly what we deserve – a corrupt political process which does nothing but grow more centralized, governmental power.
Campaign season is approaching and the Campaign Conservatives are out in full force. My suggestion to you is to NOT support them. If you vet a candidates’ voting record, and find their rhetoric does not match the votes, then do not support them. It is very simple.
Perhaps we need to hand the money/power brokers within the political sphere, some hard losses. Maybe then, the “Powers That Be” will deliver and support candidates with integrity. This will never happen if we continue to vote for “the lesser of two evils”. Sometimes you need to be ready to lose in order to win again.
Our Republic only works if we actively participate in the process. No more “freebies” for this undeclared voter. Integrity counts. And so does my vote. I intend to use it.