Shaheen endorses Clinton on ‘Women’s Rights’ but Clinton’s record is in the red

by Kimberly Morin
Shaheen endorses Clinton despite deplorable record on women's rights
Photo by Darren McCollester/Getty Images

On Saturday Senator Jeanne Shaheen formally came out at an event in Portsmouth and endorsed Hillary Clinton. The event was touted as a “New HampshireWomen for Hillary” event while Shaheen and Clinton pretended they are champions for women.

 Shaheen started out the speech by declaring “This is pink power!” Clearly she hasn’t gotten the memo that the left wants everything to be gender neutral now. Of course, they were specifically at an event catering to women and in their minds all women seem to be represented by the color pink.

Shaheen goes on to talk about Clinton’s supposed record of supporting women’s rights. She brings up a speech Clinton made in China many years ago and quoted the following from the speech:

Human rights are women’s rights are women’s rights are human rights once and for all.

It’s ironic Clinton made this speech in 1995 and never quite got around to practicing what she was preaching. It is well known that Bill Clinton was accused of sexually assaulting multiple women. Paula Jones accused him of rape and a civil lawsuit was settled out of court for $850,000. Yet Hillary Clinton victimized her husband’s victims.

Flash forward to Clinton’s stint as Secretary of State, which Shaheen also brought up, and you’ll see Clinton’s record doesn’t get any better when it comes to women’s rights being human rights. Clinton pushed for a Muslim Brotherhood leader in Egypt.

The Muslim Brotherhood has supported Islamic extremists for years. The leader Hillary Clinton helped to push into place treated women like third class citizens, and included the persecution of gays and Christians.

On top of this abominable push for an anti-women’s rights and anti-human’s rights leader in Egypt, The Clinton’s ‘foundation’ takes millions of dollars from countries who absolutely violate women’s rights on a daily basis. These extremely oppressive countries will continue to be involved in the Clinton Foundation but using a subsidiary as opposed to the main parent organization.

Unfortunately for Hillary Clinton, her record on supporting women and women’s rights is actually “in the red.” Her record is devoid of evidence and her actions have spoken quite loudly. Words mean absolutely nothing if they are not backed up with solid proof. The only thing Clinton has in common with women who actually fight for women’s rights is that she too has “lady parts.”

If you want to torture yourself you can watch the video of the lunacy here:



  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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