Mark Steyn on Hugh Hewitt, talking about Republicans and debates.
The most important thing that the Republicans need to do in order to win is to challenge Democrat liberal assumptions as the default lever in which political discourse in this country is conducted. So if you’re not flinging back ‘war on women’ in their face, if you’re not flinging back Roe v Wade in their face, when we’re not talking about women’s rights here, we’re talking about the industrial-scale selling of baby parts, which only America does. You can’t do it in France, you can’t do it in Germany, you can’t do it in Sweden, you can’t do it in Norway, because they have basically first trimester abortion. So what are they? Are they a part of the war on women, too, because they don’t like selling baby parts? At some point, one of these guys has to be man enough to fling the assumptions of these questions back in these guys’ faces, because it was dispiriting and demoralizing to watch.