Riddle Me This…


What party has a Chair who can’t distinguish the party from socialism and is discarding its founder, who also happens to be one of the Founding Fathers who authored a defining document?

Why, Democrats, of course! They’re indistinguishable from socialists, according to Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Democrat Chair.  And they are working to no longer recognize their historical lineage to Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson

They say it’s because of diversity (read: racist past).  I wonder what they’re going to do when their entrenched historically illiterate oafs learn about uber racist Democrat progressive Woodrow Wilson?  Or what about the Internment-er In Chief FDR?  Or the lascivious philandering Intern-er in Chief Clinton…  Speaking of lascivious,  there’s also that guy from Mass…  geeze, I can go on and on pretty soon, they won’t have a history at all… that they’ll recognize or admit.  Which is how they want it.



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