A number of deeply committed lefty central planners have longed to put an end to state issued marriage certificates because they believe it will empower the government to define all standards of social behavior and relationships.
Take note, libertarians: central planners like Fineman view state recognition of marriage as the “institutional protection” for family autonomy and privacy which, when removed, would get the government more operational inside the home. In other words, abolishing civil marriage gets government into the marriage business, while state recognition of marriage actually serves as a form of government restraint. So, according to Fineman: “Once the institutional protection [is] removed, behavior would be judged by standards established to regulate interactions among all members of society” (emphasis added).
The thesis is that marriage certificates are a barrier on the road to utopia and they Progressives can’t wait to be rid of them. And this makes sense. Most of the lefts marriage agenda is focused on removing all meaning from the word. (LGBT advocates who think gay marriage is a victory for love and rights and togetherness are fools. The Democrat party has no interest in your feelings. They are about division and control.)