Hassan doubles down in her support of state-sanctioned discrimination

Kimberly Morin

hassanemailToday Governor Hassan sent out a fundraising pitch in which she doubles down on her support for the continuation of state-sanctioned discrimination, racism and gender bias. In her email, she claims Senate Bill 116 is a “radical right-wing bill” and claims it would allow just “anyone” to carry concealed without a license.

Not only is Hassan outright lying about the bill but she forgets that House Democrats also voted to pass it. She neglects to mention Democrats, Independents, Republicans and Libertarians from across the state testified in support of the bill. Hassan doesn’t tell her base the truth about the bill – that it would end almost 100 years of discrimination and racism.

Hassan also doesn’t mention that SB 116 would have moved women’s rights forward. She has previously claimed to be a supporter of women’s rights but for some reason she decided to cut women off at the knee with this bill. Is it due to Michael Bloomberg’s support of her? She has chosen to stand with the out-of-state gun control extremist over a majority of her constituents.

Given Hassan’s connections with Bloomberg, it’s ironic she claims the people pushing for SB 116 are from the evil “gun lobby”. In reality, the people pushing to end state-sanctioned discrimination are grassroots volunteers who actually live in New Hampshire. They are the people she is supposed to serve. They are the people who pay her salary and for her armed security.

Hassan then goes on to claim the following:

This bill – which would have eliminated a commonsense law that’s worked for nearly a century – goes too far. I won’t allow a misguided measure that undermines public safety to become law.

Apparently Governor Hassan believes state-sanctioned discrimination is somehow “commonsense”? New Hampshire’s pistol license law never had anything to do with safety. It was put into place solely based on racism and discrimination. History proves this. Unfortunately the law still allows police chiefs to discriminate against people, who are legally able to purchase and possess firearms, for any reason they wish.

All the talk over the years by Hassan that she is a proponent of women’s rights, gay rights and against discrimination was all a farce. It appears that she’s such a far left wing partisan that she can’t even support the moderate Democrats in her own party. Hassan’s fundraising effort further proves that she wasn’t listening to the overwhelming majority of her own constituents (Democrats and Independents included).

Hassan using the non-existent gun lobby in New Hampshire to seek funds from her supporters is just the icing on her state-sanctioned discrimination cake. Hassan is going to have some explaining to do if she runs for election for any office. Granite State voters don’t like discrimination, racism or gender bias and they will come to find out the truth about Governor Hassan during any upcoming race. That the governor has chosen to lie about the bill and then allow discrimination to continue will not bode well for her.


  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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