Whether he’s mentally disabled by blinding ideology or just a basic walking synapse misfiring drooler, can we all agree to elect someone as President who isn’t like this, who isn’t a moron, like our current embarrassment?
Look at what the invidious dope in the White House said yesterday:
Once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun. … We as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries.
Uhhh… two words: Charlie Hebdo. Does that ring a bell in that vacuous big eared dome of his? Evidently not. What about the Oslo shootings of 69 people. You’d think the Marxist would remember that seeing as he went to the freaking Norwegian ambassador’s resident himself to offer condolences for crying out loud.
But why let facts get in the way of his insidious agenda. Here are some other facts that a**hole can’t be bothered with before opening his big f#%&@$g anti-American mouth:
In Erfurt, Germany, a couple of years ago, an expelled student murdered 13 teachers, 2 students and a policeman. That same year, in the Serbian village of Velika Ivan?a, a gunman shot and killed 14 people—many of them his own relatives— and a Russia gunman opened fire with a semi-automatic rifle killing six people. A couple of years before that, in England, a lone gunman killed 12 people and injured 11.
In February of this year, nine people were killed in Czech Republic spree killing.
Good lord, I’m sick of conniving sociopathic politicians (forgive the redundancy).
This reminds me of an article I read recently by Charles C.W. Cooke. Where in it he cited a quote from a lefty feminist getting in a bind a few years back because someone invented fingernail polish that detected if there were date rape drugs in a drink. The women said “I don’t want to f***ing test my drink when I’m at the bar. That’s not the world I want to live in.”
This President is engaging in the same kind of wishful thinking, reality ignoring insanity that eventually leads to greater danger and more violence and suffering. Life’s too short to deal with a-holes of his caliber. So again, I plead. Whether he’s mentally disabled by blinding ideology or just a basic walking synapse misfiring drooler, can we all agree to elect someone as President who isn’t like this, who isn’t a moron, like our current embarrassment?