Mrs. Chatsworth Osborne, Sr.


It appears the Carsey Institute, founded by that darling Cynthia “Mil” Duncan – spousal unit of a wealthy white gentleman who agrees that poor children should stay in their zip codes – and “seeded” with $7.5 million by the fabulous Marcy Carsey, has stumbled upon the fact that children of less economically well-endowed parents rarely get to play polo, or, as we like to call it, “organized enrichment.”

On NH Public Radio, she bemoans the disappearance of “neighbor piano lessons” and the rise of something called “pay to play” public school activities……..Of course, I didn’t listen to the segment because I had to dash out to meet the upholsterer about the cushions on the yacht but, I asked Chatsworth, Jr. to have one of the staff do it for me.

But I’m sure if poor people understood the importance of “organized enrichment”, they’d work a little harder.




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