Yesterday the New Hampshire Democrat Party sent a mailer to voters in Rockingham District 32 for the special election coming up on May 19th. The district includes Candia, Deerfield, Nottingham and Northwood. The two candidates in the running are Yvonne Dean-Bailey (Republican) and Maureen Mann(Democrat). The problem with the mailer is it’s not only filled with outrageous and asinine lies but it neglects to mention that neither Mann nor Dean-Bailey are current representatives who had no vote on the budget.
It was also rumored yesterday that Democrats were planning to crash a “Meet & Greet” held for Dean-Bailey in Nottingham. This is also typical Democrat style. Only one showed up. Now, about those outrageous and asinine lies. The mailer claims that the budget presented by the current House of Representatives “slashes” the budget by millions for various departments. Unfortunately for Democrats this is an abhorrent lie.
Governor Hassan decided to increase the budget by over $1 BILLION. Millions more than the revenue the state takes in from current fee payers and taxpayers. Are Democrats saying Maureen Mann would back increased taxes because that’s what would have to occur in order to feed Hassan’s ridiculous budget. Note: Mann did vote for tax increases in the past.
The House of Representatives also increased the budget, they just didn’t increase it as much as Hassan. The “slashes” the Democrats are lying about are to Hassan’s outrageous budget, not the current budget, once again proving they cannot have an honest debate. Of course, no one has ever accused the chairman of the New Hampshire Democrat party, Ray Buckley, of being honest.
As far as Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion is concerned, Democrats and Governor Hassan voted for the bill that included a sunset provision when federal funds started drying up. That’s right, they voted for it and now the Democrats are trying to claim it’s somehow only the Republicans who are trying to sunset Obamacare in New Hampshire?
It should also be known, the majority of Granite Staters have always been against Obamacare but Maureen Mann as a state representative voted against the wishes of her constituents and voted for every Obamacare bill that came across her desk. This despite the known fact that either an income and/or sales tax will have to be implemented in order to pay for the hundreds of millions of dollars the taxpayers will eventually be on the hook for.
Of course, Democrats, including Maureen Mann, are not purveyors of the truth nor are they known as such. Mann’s own website claims the following:
I pledge to be fiscally responsible, protective of individual rights, attentive to local needs, supportive of families and responsive to constituents.
This statement has already been proven to be one big fat lie based on her votes as previously written. Mann is neither fiscally responsible nor responsive to her constituents. She voted against the majority wishes over and over again. She also voted to infringe upon her constituents’ First AND Second Amendment Rights. There’s no truth in her statement above.
What’s also amusing is the mention of a “Super PAC.” Of course, Mann has her own PAC support but that doesn’t seem to be an issue for Democrats. Mann also has the support of the NEA Teacher’s Union who received millions of dollars to push Common Core that many Granite Staters are fighting against. Mann’s votes also show she is against school choice.
Once again Democrats play their little games with voters. Hopefully voters in the district are smarter than that and actually look into any mailers, fliers or claims made by the party or Maureen Mann. It’s quite simple to rip apart their outrageous and asinine claims. Clearly the voters in Rockingham 32 deserve a little honesty for a change. It doesn’t seem they got it when Mann was their representative.
Cross posted from Examiner