Remember when the left snapped and went insane over Chick-Fil-A? The company CEO said he did not approve of gay-marriage (which for context effects a very, very small portion of a very, very small portion of the population), and not in any way with regard to what Chick-Fil-A does. They will serve anyone, their CEO just doesn’t believe in gay marriage because of his religious beliefs.
For context Obama is trying to be Nuclear pals with a financier of global terror who would kill every homosexual on the planet if permitted to do so because of their religious beliefs. No one is boycotting Obama, his donors, their businesses, or Democrat supporters. They are all too busy pretending that Indiana just passed Jim Crow for Gays.
Anyway, in the midst of the, for lack of a better term “Two Minutes Hate” for Chick-Fil-A, the CFO of a medical supply company–one of those really smart people we’re always hearing about–made a video of himself being a complete ass to a polite young woman in the restaurant drive-thru. He posted the video and waited for Instant-Internet stardom to rain praise and glory upon him.
That didn’t happen. And since then, it has only gotten worse.
(LI) Adam Smith, 37, was the CFO of a medical device manufacturer in Arizona until the summer of 2012, when he started protested Chick-fil-A’s stance on gay marriage to an employee at a drive-thru.
“Chick-fil-A is a hateful company,” Smith told the employee. “I don’t know how you sleep at night,” Smith adds at another point. This is a horrible corporation with horrible values.”
After the employee, who never loses her composure, wished Smith a nice day, he responded, “I will. I just did something really good. I feel purposeful.”
Since then, Smith was fired from his job, and his wife and four children lost their home. The family was forced to sell and give away their possessions and move into an RV. He is now on food stamps, he says.
You’d think a guy named Adam Smith would have more sense, but to prove that theory wrong, this Adam Smith wrote a book about his experience since. A page turner no doubt, and destined to place him next to the long list of “authors” who remain on food stamps after berating a young woman in a drive thru (who is probably surviving without government handouts).
We don’t need the book Adam, we can just watch the movie you posted that every prospective employer will find during your pre-interview (as in no interview) vetting process. Or we could read these book reviews that Legal Insurrection posted…
“”Arrogant, pompous, self righteous: I read the book because of the publicity about how the author filmed himself bullying a hapless restaurant employee, and how he then had the poor taste to post it on the internet. The idea that a big time corporate executive making $200,000 a year/million dollar stock option benefit package would think that yelling an $9 an hour laborer is some kind of blow for social justice is very arrogant, short sighted, rude, and petty.””
“”What a tiresome piece of drivel this book was to read. Justifications, blame for others when the author should have taken the blame himself and such self pity cloaked as enlightenment. I came away feeling pity for such a clueless individual and embarrassed that he still does not ‘get it’.””
Maybe Adam should consider getting a job working the Drive-Thru at a Chick-Fil-A. He could learn some manners and get himself back on the road to self-reliance. Yes, he’d need to work at least two jobs like that to really get things moving but he’s got management experience so I suspect if he were to stay humble, learn some manners, and work hard, he could rise quickly.
Or he could keep living in that RV and living off food stamps.