There are a hundred ways to speak of the fire that burns in the hearts of patriots in this nation.
Those who are seeking those of like mind can see it, spreading like a wildfire across a parched forest. Those who do not understand it are afraid of it, for it signifies something they cannot grasp and do not have the intestinal fortitude to stomach. Liberty for All (LFA III%), the hardcore patriot group in Washington State, may be the tip of the spear, but there are many others throughout this nation who have been in the trenches for decades.
There are those who dismiss us, who claim that standing the line is stupid or even dangerous. They claim we are setting back the liberty movement, or that we don’t know what we’re doing. We are crazy, we are arrogant, we are self-absorbed—or so the stories go. There are days it seems that there is no end to the accusations and the backbiting. At times, I find myself attempting to defend that which needs no defending. It is a difficult lesson to realize, but time spent defending this fight to those with no concept of its necessity is, quite simply, time wasted.
The truth is, I have seen the men and women who stand next to me. I have looked in their eyes and seen their hearts. They are not crazy, and they are not fools. There is a kind of soul that already knows how this ends. There is a kind of heart that sees the cost before it comes, and offers to pay it even still. For some of us, this cause is not a hobby. It is not drum beating, or attention seeking. It is not something we believe—it is something we are. We could no more lay down and accept this tyranny than the blabbering sheep can rise to fight.
In the bottom of our souls, we know we were created for more than subjects in a kingdom, more than a commodity to be controlled and managed.
We were born free. We were born to fight.
The naysayers will always be there; the loyalists of our time will always seek to justify their inaction and even their blatant cowardice. The fence sitters will always find a reason to stay settled where they are, constantly trying to figure out which side of the fence is more advantageous to be on at any given time. Eventually, they too will be left without a place to sit. Tyranny does not give special treatment to those who help its growth; soon enough, even those who called for caution and denigrated us will have to recognize their own chains.
In the meantime, the patriots continue to stand. We continue to push forward, to dare things not seen in this country in over 200 years. We seek no glory, but we do demand liberty; its pursuit will not be stopped for anything. For us, there is no other option. Our Constitution unites us, and the truth that men are born to be free will bind us together in this fight, come what may. We will stand with each other, and while every single day we pray that it never comes to violence, if it comes we will stand through that as well. And if the sun rises on a day when we are asked to give our lives in the defense of this absolute truth, we will do so…without hesitation.
Even so, know this: we will not go quietly. We will not go easily. We will go filthy and stained, with the blood of those whose appetite for our liberties pushed them past a line from which there is no coming back. We will go with as many tyrants as we can take with us.
We will never shoot first; we will not cross the line into violence. Our creed does not make us monsters; it makes us defenders. But if we are pushed, we will fight, and we will fight until we are dead. And in the wake of our deaths, others will rise and fight in our place, and eventually we will win. Even in death, we will win, because death is always more desirable than slavery.
There are a hundred ways to say all of this; pretty words and glorious imagery that evoke emotions that most people have forgotten how to feel. But when all is said and done, it can all be summed up in one rallying cry. One basic concept that holds within it the promise to all tyrants that any attempt on our lives will result in the fight—and the end—of their own, for there will be no more free Ruby Ridge incidents, no more free Wacos, no more free bloodshed. One simple statement that every patriot understands in the core of their very bones.
We will not comply.
We stand.