‘Moms Demand harpy’ is actually a Manchester Police Commissioner

Kimberly Morin

mhtpolicecommissionYesterday a reader alerted yours truly that a person testifying at the Constitutional Carry hearing last week was actually a Manchester Police Commissioner. If you recall, a previous article talked about the hearings and was rightfully titled “Constitutional Carry hearing was better than stand up comedy.” The discussion in the article focused on testimony by members representing Moms Demand Action.

Their testimony was filled with emotional fluff and void of any logical reasoning and lacked any evidence. One woman in particular drew attention when she said that the “Constitutional Carry” bill had nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment. From the article:

Another Moms Demand harpy explained that licensing is necessary because her son sometimes goes crazy and she has to hide the knives from him. It was unclear how that pertains to the rest of the law-abiding citizens in New Hampshire but she seemed to think many others are as crazy as her son. Maybe she meant to testify at a mental health hearing? This woman actually claimed that SB 116 had nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment. Mindboggling.

Well the woman described in that paragraph happens to be Eva Castillo-Turgeon. Turgeon also happens to be a Manchester Police Commissioner. Clearly this wasn’t known by this author or that is how it would have been reported. What is disturbing is that this woman actually IS a police commissioner. How can someone who doesn’t even grasp the 2nd Amendment be advising the police who enforce the laws? Manchester Police Commissioners “consult, advise and make policy recommendations.” There are a total of 5 police commissioners.

Why would Turgeon not say she is a police commissioner? Wouldn’t her testimony hold more weight in the committee’s eyes? Even if she was only testifying on her own behalf she could have and should have explained who she was. Surely some on the committee knew as they are former law enforcement themselves. Listen to her testimony again if you haven’t already and you decide for yourself what you think about it.

Turgeon actually compares having to be licensed to cut hair to getting a pistol license and claims that “no one had died of a bad haircut.” She actually refers to “her police officers” and said she is concerned for their safety. Turgeon also doesn’t seem to understand the law because she says she doesn’t want just anyone having access to firearms. SB 116 has nothing to do with access and everything to do with freedom and 2nd Amendment Rights.

This is yet another disturbing example of the people working in local New Hampshire government. People who are supposed to understand the law that don’t and who seemingly have no idea what is in the New Hampshire Constitution. Until Granite Staters understand the full extent of the ineptitude of these people and their blatant disregard of the rights of its citizens, nothing will change.

Watch the video here of her testimony:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5nRvqHP7Uk]

Cross posted from Examiner


  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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