Back in February while researching this article I came across a bill in the New Hampshire Legislature to expand a tax credit that was due to be evaluated in 2015 and that my research suggested had failed to achieved any of its intended goals.
The Coös County job creation tax credit is on the top of the committee’s list for evaluation in 2015. The credit is also part of a new piece of legislation that would expand the program into a second New Hampshire County.
“If the Legislature is serious about job creation in a county that has been bleeding its population for 35 years, the Coös County job creation tax credit is not the answer. And expanding the program into Carroll County makes even less sense. Carroll County has seen similar declines in labor force participation and the total number of people employed over the same period,..”
HB588 would have expanded the tax credit into Carrol County but the committee ITL’d the bill and the House killed it. The original credit, which was extended by the legislature for 5 more years in 2013, is still scheduled for review this year but I do not expect much scrutiny given the extension.
Updated- adding missing link to ‘this article.’