Once one is labeled as anti-government, which simply means you are opposed to waste and abuse of tax dollars, the lefties lock-step up and let their hair down.
At first it might be disturbing to people not familiar with moonbats but soon you can see the usual pattern.
Obama shoveled a dose of it to political opponents after he was elected. His pent-up chance to deliver came as something in the order of, “We won you lost.” Oh how long he must have pined to say that in public.
And here is an example of the same constipated condescension from the college town of Henniker, after their recent Town Meeting. It is one of three letters sent anonymously to three individuals who spoke at the Town Meeting:
Let’s break this down for those of you who don’t understand progressives.
The author has taken it upon herself to speak on behalf of the “many” which means the anonymous writer is probably a public employee or beneficiary of public funding in some fashion. It is likely that this is not from a student going to NEC.
The words “town meeting” should have been capitalized even in hate mail.
Liberal hate mail writers always take the position that makes them feel superior as in this case where the writer points to the target being deserving of ridicule and someone who can’t control herself.
Democrat Party Chairman Ray Buckley is famous for this when he writes about political opponents as being “unhinged.” It is a recurring theme in left-wing retorts, the superiority complex on display.
But when push comes to shove it’s the pansy-ass liberals who write anonymous hate mail to make themselves feel better after a “victory” that stands out in this Henniker case.
Imagine how they gritted their teeth in their bed that Town Meeting night after “winning” so overwhelmingly. Just knowing some citizens had the guts to speak up scratched that liberal nerve and forced them to scribble a hate letter.
So who is the big Town Meeting winner in Henniker if the hate mailer can’t sleep at night without sending each opponent some hate mail on behalf of everyone else?