So – Who Voted For A NH Sales Tax?

by Steve MacDonald

taxOn March 11th, HB 673 made it’s way to the floor of the New Hampshire House.  The legislation has one sponsor, Rep Gilman Shattuck, (D-Hillsborough 1).

It would impose a sales tax, a use tax, most certainly require DRA to expand at taxpayer cost to manage it all, and add costs to business owners who would be required to keep records of everything for which they are required to collect or pay taxes.

HB 673

…imposes a 2.25 percent retail sales tax. The bill also imposes a 2.25 percent use tax on the use or storage of property in New Hampshire when no sales tax has been paid. Use tax is imposed, for example, when a New Hampshire business buys property out of state tax-free and uses it in New Hampshire. It also applies when a business makes personal use of property that it has purchased for resale or has manufactured for sale.

Sales made in New Hampshire for delivery out of state are taxable under this bill. Sales made out of state for delivery out of state are exempt from taxation. Sales for resale, casual sales, and sales of specific items such as gasoline, heating oil, medical supplies, and items of clothing under $175 are all exempt from taxation.

The Bill came out of committee Inexpedient to legislate, which is not surprising, but these 13 NH House hold-outs voted no to save the sales tax.  I guess they really wanted a sales and use tax in New Hampshire.  Even this one.  Just to get a foot in the door.

Is that something small business owners, taxpayers, voters (even those out of state “tourists” they let vote here) need to remember come November 2016?  I think it is.

Here is who voted for it…

House Rep Party County District Vote
Bartlett, Christy Democrat Merrimack 19 Nay
Cahill, Michael Democrat Rockingham 17 Nay
Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Democrat Rockingham 30 Nay
Froburg, Alethea Democrat Coos 3 Nay
Heffron, Frank Democrat Rockingham 18 Nay
Kaen, Naida Democrat Strafford 5 Nay
Nordgren, Sharon Democrat Grafton 12 Nay
Phillips, Larry Democrat Cheshire 16 Nay
Ratzki, Mario Democrat Merrimack 1 Nay
Roberts, Carol Democrat Hillsborough 4 Nay
Roberts, Kris Democrat Cheshire 16 Nay
Shattuck, Gilman Democrat Hillsborough 1 Nay
Shepardson, Marjorie Democrat Cheshire 10 Nay


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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