Yesterday at Liberty Forum former Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack gave a presentation about his new book “Are you a David?” in which he writes how sheriffs, public officials, law enforcement and citizens can fight for Liberty. He spoke about his fight against the Brady bill in the Supreme Court of the United States and how he won that fight.
Mack spoke to a packed room and his message is simple – uphold the Constitution. It’s not very difficult but it seems to be a problem for many around the country. He spoke about stories of sheriffs in various states, including himself, who kept federal law enforcement in line by not allowing them to violate the Constitution within their states. Essentially Mack and other Sheriffs are doing their jobs – protecting their citizens.
Sheriff Mack sat down with yours truly for an interview in which he explains the background on his fight against the Brady Bill. The bill would have forced Chief Law Enforcement Officers across the country to violate the oath they take. According to Mack it was the first of several Brady Bills that were going to be forced upon this country. His lawsuit in the Supreme Court stopped the rest of the bills from moving forward.
In the interview, it is brought up that law enforcement in New Hampshire, specifically the New Hampshire Department of Safety, a State Trooper and the head of the New Hampshire Chiefs of Police Association testified against Constitutional Carry at state house hearings. Sheriff Mack has a message for those in law enforcement who are fighting against Granite Staters.
He asks why the officers don’t simply just look to Vermont and other states that have Constitutional Carry already to see how it has worked. Of course, those testifying in support of the bills in Concord pointed out this fact as well. Mack:
When I see officers campaigning for gun control it just thoroughly amazes me how stupid it is…
We have these law men running around supporting lawlessness and supporting the actual opposite of what the Second Amendment says.
During testimony of course, the officers all feign support of the Second Amendment.
Sheriff Mack makes it quite clear that the officers take an oath to support and uphold the Constitution. Indeed the oath officers take in New Hampshire states the same. He wonders if the officers know and understand the law. Then goes on to explain the intent of those who penned the Second Amendment:
In America gun control is against the law.
Sheriff Mack is the founder of CSPOA (Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association). It’s an organization to “unite all public servants and sheriffs, to keep their word to uphold, defend, protect, preserve, and obey the Constitutions of the United States of America.” Sheriffs and law enforcement officials are the last stand between an overreaching federal government and Americans. From the CSPOA website:
…it is our duty to preserve individual Liberty at all costs and we are not intimidated by the powers that be. Sheriffs and Officers who follow the Constitution line by line possess the power to shield against the Federal assault on American Citizens rights. OUR protection from THEM is our responsibility and mission.
The majority of police officers across the country do indeed support the Second Amendment and actually encourage citizens to safely protect themselves. Many officers teach gun safety and are certified instructors. It’s unclear why some officers in New Hampshire have decided to break their Oath of Office. They ought to heed the message of Sheriff Mack. Their job is to protect Granite Staters, not work with legislators who seek to assault the rights of their constituents.
Watch the entire interview here: