If you are like me, you occasionally experience passing moments of panic when you stop to think where we are heading as a nation. Not only do we have a president who is overly-exercising his “pen and phone” with executive orders, bypassing the vote of Congress on MAJOR issues, you have a certain malaise in our country, regarding this unconstitutional activity.
Fast forward here to NH. We have the same type of “Executive Order Disorder” going on right here in the Granite State. And, it is a VERY important issue for families and parental rights.
On January 26, NH Dept. of Education Commissioner, Virginia Barry sent out to school officials a “Technical Advisory” re: “Statewide Assessment Participation”. In this advisory, Barry declares the following: “Each year, a statewide assessment shall be administered in all school districts in the state in grades 3 through 8 and one grade in high school. All public school students in the designated grades shall participate in the assessment…There is no “opting out” option for students in the law”. SAU, District and/or school personnel do not have the authority to develop or sign any form allowing a student to not take the assessment…Further, the districts’ legal obligation must supersede parental demands that their child not take the assessment.”
Wow. That is a mouthful. A BIG mouthful. Barry declaring there is no “opting out” of Smarter Balance Assessments is refuted by her own January 13 “Technical Advisory”, in which she states, “…there are no laws in the State of NH or rules a the NH Dept. of Education that would penalize a student for not participating in the statewide assessment. Additionally, the same is true if a parent determined that they would not allow their child to participate…” So which is it? Is your head exploding yet? It should be.
I don’t know what universe Ms. Barry lives in, but it certainly isn’t mine. And, I suspect the same is true of the majority of parents and grandparents here in New Hampshire. NO PERSON AND NO BUREAURCRACY SUPERSEDES PARENTAL RIGHTS. Period. End of discussion.
The State House Education Committee met on House Bill 603, protecting a parent’s right to REFUSE Statewide Assessments without penalty and protecting school districts from any backlash from lower participation rates. The committee vote was close. The bill passed through the Education Committee, 11 yeas – 10 nays.
The following representatives voted AGAINST parental rights: Reps. Grenier, Lempster; Giles, Concord; Shaw, Manchester; Gorman, Nashua; Frazer, Concord; Schmidt, Grantham; Rollo, Rolllinsford; Heath, Manchester; Myler, Contoocook; Verschueren, Dover.
No matter what the NH education cabal declares, these Smarter Balance Assessments have NOT been validated. Some Nashua middle school teachers are concerned these “tests” focus on psychological and sociological beliefs rather than measuring academic skills and knowledge. There is also the ongoing critical debate of student privacy and data mining concerns.
To make things worse, parents have been unable to even look at these assessments. That’s right – they are “secret”. Why the secrecy? Why should any child take a test which a parent cannot review? Does the NH DOE really think they can tell parents they are not allowed to exercise their parental rights and REFUSE THE TEST? Not in my world. We just need to say NO!
If you fight for one thing, folks, you should fight for our children. You should ALWAYS fight for parental rights. Because Big Daddy Education is NOT necessary a good thing for our families, our communities, or our nation. Teaching to a test DOES NOT WORK. Common Core is Rotten to the Core. And, so are Smarter Balance Assessments.
Here is Virginia Barry’s contact information. Let her know what you think. It is time to stand up and have your voice heard. Virginia.Barry@doe.nh.gov Commissioners Office Phone: (603)271-3144
We will be sure to update you on the HB 603 vote when the full House takes up this bill. Information is power.