Dennis Senibaldi: An example of why Public Officials should NEVER comment on Facebook if they can’t back themselves up

Kimberly Morin

SenibaldiFacebookpost1I almost feel a little sorry for Dennis Senibaldi. The first rule any public official should follow is to never use intimidation or bullying against a writer or blogger with a fairly decent-sized audience.

The second rule any public official should follow is to never comment on articles or blogs that show them in a negative light if they still cannot back themselves up.

Senibaldi and Letizio both broke rule #1. Senibaldi broke rule #2 today when he decided to comment on my blog showing his intimidation against my editors by demanding they take down my articles.

And of course I am going to share them here for all to see.

This post was one written by Skip  talking about Senibaldi demanding he take down my blogs but unable to prove what inaccuracies were actually in the blogs.

This is outrageously long but I decided to post the ENTIRE 2 HOUR ‘discussion’ on Facebook with Senibaldi so he can’t make some more false claims about it.

It boils down to this folks – Letizio, Senibaldi and their defenders are using Obama-style thug politics by throwing anything at the wall to see if it sticks.  NOT ONE of them has pointed out inaccuracies they claimed I made in my Examiner articles. They can’t because there aren’t any.  They keep repeating their lies hoping eventually someone will believe them.

Sorry, that’s not how it works in the real world kids. Some people actually DO think honesty is a virtue.

Be sure to check out the end of the post. There are comments I make in between as well.

This was the first round:

Dennis posted a partial Facebook exchange after my article about Al Letizio came out where he complained that I didn’t contact him before posting (I’m under no obligation by anyone to do so). He also accuses me of lying that he attempted to contact me. He claimed he sent an email and knew I never received it yet still never bothered contacting me again. After this little exchange with him (it went on much longer where he wouldn’t tell me what was inaccurate), why would anyone think I would contact him?


So I once again asked him what was inaccurate about any of my articles and once again he failed to respond. He proved that I talked to him about the articles by posting our Facebook exchange afterwards. Talking to him before the articles wouldn’t have changed anything about them but maybe would have added more fodder against him.


Unbelievably Senibaldi didn’t stop there.  He decided to post on my own blog in another group on Facebook.


Again the whining that I didn’t contact him BEFORE posting my articles. I ask him 3 times to point out what is inaccurate.  *crickets*


Senibaldi makes the claim he did indeed once try to contact me via Examiner but I never received it and he knew that. Apparently he has some rule in his mind that I have to reach out to him before posting anything. It’s a rule that doesn’t exist.


He continues to whine about me not contacting him before publishing. I ask him yet again to point out inaccuracies in my articles as did another poster who I redacted. This time he actually points out to one in my blog (NOT any of my previous articles).

I wrote that both Senibaldi and Letizio threatened legal action. Apparently Senibaldi did not but I know Letizio did. Examiner lumped them in together without saying who did what.

At this point I also posted a photo of a bowl of popcorn because I know there were several people watching this exchange.


Ahhhh here he finally admits there is no rule that I have to contact him before publishing an article. We finally got that one out of the way after multiple comments on it.

And here we are discussing about the legal action claim. And I PROVE that I will change something that is potentially inaccurate in my writings.  I UPDATED my blog to alert readers that Senibaldi did not threaten legal action, only Letizio did.

It’s really that simple. I will fully admit I sometimes make mistakes. I will be the first to admit them and I have updated or corrected information in articles in the past and Senibaldi KNOWS that. That’s ALL he or Letizio have to do is tell me… FINALLY… what is inaccurate and I will review it and update it if true.

Again, redacted someone else’s comment that had nothing to do with the exchange.


And again the whining about not contacting him. He claims here that Bruce Breton gave him access to all of his political emails. I’m not the one who posted that Breton said he didn’t have permission to take the emails. That was all reported on by the Eagle Tribune!! What he doesn’t get is that I had no questions for him. I read the story by the Tribune and I watched the video of the school board meeting. His behavior was atrocious. He seems to be a very angry man who doesn’t deal well when he doesn’t get his own way, Veruca Salt-style.


The best one is the one closest to the bottom highlighted:

#1 I never made the claim I contacted him before publishing any article.

#2 Why would I contact a man who I thought threatened me with legal action? That part was cleared up and corrected. And if that was incorrect and he wanted it changed why didn’t he email myself or Skip at GraniteGrok?  See how that works?

#3 His beef is with the Eagle Tribune, not myself.

Also, again he was asked what was false or inaccurate about the articles I posted. AGAIN he didn’t respond.


So AGAIN I asked him to point out inaccuracies in my articles. The only issue he points to is my BLOG about he and Letizio. He was complaining about inaccuracies weeks ago that he refused to point out.


Here again pointing out that the Eagle Tribune reported he took the email without permission.



I asked him if he demanded the Eagle Tribune remove or change their news report.



As usual, I provide the facts from the Eagle Tribune article.


Senibaldi claims he has nothing to hide. If true then why the demands to have articles removed yet unable to point out what isn’t true?


This one is priceless. Senibaldi calls ME a bully. See the definition of bully highlighted in yellow below.

I’m simply a citizen reporting on the bad behavior of elected public officials. They should already be doing the right thing. No one is bullying them to do it.


And again with Examiner and the BLOG I posted just yesterday.


And FINALLY it freaking ENDS!!!!


So my dear readers in Windham, this is what you elected to the Windham School Board. A man who continually accuses someone of making false accusations but then can never back it up with any evidence. When he DOES actually make a claim about my blog, I UPDATED it with that information. It’s truly that simple.

A man who repeatedly whines about the same things over and over again like a rotten child even though he was answered multiple times.

Essentially below is Senibaldi’s response to the multiple questions asked of him as to what was inaccurate in the articles he demanded be removed from Examiner:


  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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