CSNH Announces Hassan Micro-Site

Steve MacDonald

Why is Governor Hassan Hiding? Check out Why are They Hiding.com/Hassan.

Derek Dufresne
(March 10, 2015) – Citizens for a Strong New Hampshire is launching a microsite today. It highlights the lack of transparency found in Governor Maggie Hassan’s corner office as she refuses to respond to multiple Right-to-Know requests or hold a single Town Hall meeting with her constituents. It also discusses her fiscally irresponsible budget proposal that mismanages priorities, increases spending, and raises taxes and fees on Granite State families and small businesses.

The microsite is backed by a significant, statewide digital advertisement buy that will help ensure Granite Staters are educated on Governor Hassan’s lack of fiscal responsibility and her refusal to be accountable to those whom she swore an oath to represent.
Derek Dufresne, spokesman for Citizens for a Strong New Hampshire, released the following statement:

“Considering Governor Maggie Hassan’s fiscally irresponsible budget proposal so badly mismanages New Hampshire’s priorities, we can understand why she would want to hide from her constituents. However, her inability to responsibly lead New Hampshire is not an excuse for limiting accessibility.

“New Hampshire deserves a full-time governor who goes to work every day focusing on lowering taxes and improving our economy. Regrettably, we currently have a career politician occupying our state’s corner office who only finds fiscal responsibility and government transparency a hinderance to the next stepping stone in her own political career. Until Governor Hassan changes her ways, she can be assured that we will use any resource necessary to ensure Granite Staters are educated on that fact.”




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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