Tomorrow on GrokTALK! February 21st, 2015 – Starting at 9 am EST our guests are…
- Guy Comtois with the legislative update
- Kevin Bloom and Kirk McNeil on Police Militarization, Poker…and the NH House clerks office.
- Dr. Girard Gianoli on innovative health care solutions – like refusing 3rd party insurance.
- Yvonne Dean Baily Republican candidate in the special election in Rock-32
- We’ll also have another Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, The 223 Rally is Saturday, the Earl of Sweeney is back in the news, and whatever else we can squeeze in!
Join us here on the home page at at 9:am EST*
Follow me on twitter @nhstevemacd for live updates or look for the hashtag #GrokTALK
*Pre-show could start as early as 8:30am.