Senator Hosmer claimed he’d help domestic abuse victims. He LIED.

Kimberly Morin

hosmerphotoI don’t know how I happened upon this but back in 2012 I wrote an article about the ‘Most DEPSICABLE political flier in the 2012 election cycle‘.  It was an ad for Senator Hosmer sent out by the vile Ray Buckley (now we know who Hosmer is parroting when he was condescending, sexist and rude to Susan Olsen).  That ad caused me to look at where the story originated and I found something quite interesting.

During a debate between Hosmer and his opponent Jose Youssef, Hosmer made the following statement regarding helping domestic violence victims:

Hosmer said he would and cited a report released yesterday by the state attorney general’s office that showed 92 percent of homicides and suicides in the state in the past 10 years were related to domestic violence. He said making sure courts are available to people seeking restraining orders could help save lives. The same would be true, he said, if shelters had the money to take in more victims.

So Hosmer KNOWS that women who are abused are likely murdered yet he said Susan Olsen’s idea that a woman who is fleeing her abuser shouldn’t have to wait 14 days to protect herself was “half baked.”  Clearly the man was lying about his concern for victims of domestic abuse.  If Hosmer KNOWS, based on his OWN cited statistics, that women in abusive relationships may be killed, why in the hell would he force them to wait 14 days after fleeing their abuser to protect themselves?

Is Hosmer really so completely and utterly ignorant to think a piece of paper is going to protect a woman from her abuser?  Does he really expect a woman to hide out at a shelter rather than protect herself?  He said himself that he wanted more shelters to be able to help abuse victims. Clearly he would prefer women not protect themselves and rely on shelters that don’t have armed security at the front door.

So let’s summarize to make it easy for people like Hosmer:

  • He KNOWS 92% of homicides in NH were caused by domestic violence
  • He KNOWS a restraining order is nothing but a piece of paper
  • He KNOWS it takes police minutes to get to a woman when seconds matter
  • He KNOWS shelters don’t have armed security nor even enough space for every woman
  • He KNOWS that a woman can easily protect herself and her children with a firearm
  • He KNOWS it takes 14 days in order for a woman to get a pistol license to concealed carry
  • He KNOWS that when a woman leaves her abuser it’s the most dangerous time in her life
  • He KNOWS that SB 116 will enable a woman in this situation to instantly be able to protect herself ANYWHERE she goes

Yet Hosmer called Susan Olsen “half baked” and he’s against SB 116.

Hosmer was a liar in 2012 and he’s still a liar.  He doesn’t care about victims of domestic violence.  He only used these women to try and score points (review the article I wrote in 2012 and you’ll see my point).

Hosmer has a chance to actually help the women he pretended to be so concerned with yet he’s turning his back on them.  Because all abused women ever were to him were an aid to win his election.

We already know how Senator Hosmer treats women, now we know why.  Their rights and their lives mean absolutely nothing to him unless it’s to score points in an election year.


  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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