There are two types of gun control extremists – those who willfully LIE about facts and statistics and those who are simply dumber than a box of rocks. In New Hampshire we have both varieties.
I realize these people have no control over their willful ignorance but it’s actually embarrassing.
Here are a few examples of the ‘dumb(er)’ version from Twitter today.
Apparently Ms. Chabot doesn’t understand that we already have Open Carry in New Hampshire and we don’t even need *gasp* a license to do it! She clearly doesn’t grasp that SB 116 is specifically about concealed carry.
Then there are the Brookline Democrats (they often tweet really dumb stuff as well). They tweeted the following.
What brings ridicule to NH is that manicurists have to have 300 freaking hours in order to be licensed. That is beyond ridiculous.
What they too, don’t seem to grasp, is New Hampshire doesn’t require ANY training for Open OR Concealed carry NOW.
We couldn’t forget our ignorant out-of-state paid hack over at Granite State Progress either. EARTH TO MORON. Dangerous people already carry hidden, loaded guns. THEY ARE CALLED CRIMINALS. Apparently Granite State Progress doesn’t think so highly of Granite Staters.
Okay I saved the best for last. First, we are in the East and before some racist asshats in Concord decided to put pistol licensing into place, we weren’t even the ‘Wild East’. Second, background checks have absolutely nothing to do with SB 116. Nada, zip, zilch. SB 116 doesn’t trump federal law. All it simply does it allow people who are legally able to purchase and possess a firearm to concealed carry without the mandate of getting the license. The pistol license option will still exist and people will be able to go that route if they CHOOSE. And here I thought Democrats were ‘pro-choice’ and all.
Obviously these brainiacs are clueless about the current law, SB 116 and firearms in general. They do make for good fodder on a Friday though!
Here’s a meme that suits them well: