Obama Community College – ‘It’s Free!’

Steve MacDonald

Obama last shred of credibilityThe operative word with regard to the recent ‘publicly funded community college’ (pre-State of the Union Speech) trial balloon floated by the Obama White House is ‘Funding.’

The official narrative is a 75% reimbursement from the feds for students who meet certain criteria while attending community colleges that meet certain criteria, up to a certain amount, all backed by the good faith of the liars in Washington and that New! “What Debt ceiling” smell.

Sure.  An institution with 18 trillion in debt and a twinkle in its eye wants to create a mandate for publicly funded community college.  Not to worry states.  We’re going to pass a law that only requires you to pay for 25% (wink-wink) of that annual tuition per student, and no–we have no idea who is really going to pay for the rest but as long as we say it’s free, we can call Republicans names when they try to explain why its a bad idea.

I wonder what the small print could look like on this deal?

Small print:

Some exclusions apply, visit ObamaGaveMeFreeCommunityCollege.gov (may still be under construction) for details on excluded curricula, which may vary from time to time.  Excluded curricula do not apply toward minimum education ‘purchase’.  Qualified minimum purchase amount of approved curricula must be met before reimbursement.  Reimbursements are the responsibility of states who buy into this scam and set up Free community college State exchanges through which they must request federal reimbursements (snicker).  Any un-reimbursed tuition is the responsibility of the taxpayers in your already cash-strapped state.  Fore! Limit one “free” community college semester per student per semester.  All taxes and fees are the responsibility of the enrollee; visit TheIRSOwnsMyAssForLife.gov to view your (and your children’s, children’s) lifetime tax exposure as a result of state legislators buying into another massive unfunded government entitlement that is actually just an excuse to turn community college professors into unionized government propaganda ministers with the charm of a TSA screener.  An actual education is not guaranteed.  Illegal immigrants get free taxpayer provided textbooks in their native language. Seizure of any existing private education fund accounts may be required when we default.  Failing to learn to goose-step properly while reciting the social-justice league motto by “graduation” will result in default and require repayment with interest of all monies reimbursed by the state and federal government back to the federal government. Don’t forget to Sign up for our rewards card to be entered into the Winners Circle Drawing for a chance to visit the ‘Arab Spring” Wing of the Barack Obama Presidential Library (may still be under construction, but at least it wont like the Bill Clinton Double-Wide Presidential library in Little Rock.)


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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