Join the GrokWatch News Desk

Steve MacDonald
Become a citizen Journalist
Become a citizen Journalist

I mentioned in our interview with Greg Kline from Red Maryland last Saturday that their new citizen journalism project had inspired me to duplicate something similar here in New Hampshire.  In Maryland, as in New Hampshire, media is pulling the plug on political reporters, not just at the state level, but locally as well.  Fewer stories are being reported, with many important local stories being overlooked.

And no, the Patch sites don’t really do the job and when they do they often apply the same liberal media tactic of controlling what the news is by not reporting some stories, like the no-bid contract in Windham.

The cure?  Citizen journalists. We want You! to write for GraniteGrok.  Here’s how it works.

We are looking for citizen journalists who are interested in submitting local news from their town or county.  These is no set limit to the number of folks covering an area but ideally we’ll want stories from the country level, and all the towns, and at the State House in Concord.

This is voluntary.  We don’t get paid so neither will you.   This is about reporting news and breaking stories other media can’t or wont cover in New Hampshire.  Instead of saying, why didn’t they report that, you can report it and we’ll help you. (And if  you are good at it paying gigs do exist in New Media–Someone might just find you on GraniteGrok.)

Submission would not be a guarantee of publication.

We need a least ten county “reporters” and as many from towns as there are towns with people interested in reporting on them.  State House – can’t have too many reports from the state house.

I’ll need to know your real name but you don’t have to publish under your real name.  So, if you are “in the know” Wilma Flintstone we’d like a chance to report your local news.

Content will be submitted to me via email, and published under GrokWATCH News with your ‘By’ line.  You get all the credit and the ‘attention’ that comes with it-for good or bad.

You are responsible for what you write and we will edit at our discretion.

Video or audio reports are acceptable.

We are looking for the compelling inside stories on town and county meetings, school boards, select boards and town council meetings, and from state level reporters in Concord – on committee hearings, floor votes, inside dirt, all of it.

Obstruction, intimidation, blocking public comment, 91-A right to know battles, who the petty town tyrants are and what they are doing,  voter fraud, local races–who the tax and spenders are and what is being done to unseat them.

You have stories to share,  we’d like to give you access to our reach to report them.


Email: if interested.  Please include ‘GrokWatch’ in the subject line, and let me know who you are, and what your news beat will be; New Hampshire town name(s), county name, or state house.  If you have an affinity for school board over select-board meetings only (as an example), share that as well.

We will promote your news on, facebook, twitter, and perhaps even on our weekly podcast GrokTALK!


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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