WARNING to SENATOR KELLY AYOTTE! Signing onto Obama’s Workforce Agenda?

Ann Marie Banfield

KellyAyotteSittingWARNING to SENATOR KELLY AYOTTE:  Obama is redesigning public ed from Liberal Arts to Workforce development. Marc Tucker tried this during the Clinton years, but Republicans were smart enough to reject it back then.  Tucker laid it out here in his letter to Hillary Clinton:

The Common Core Standards are PART of this agenda. Competency Based Ed is too. (It’s actually the failed Outcome Based Ed) They change the name hoping no one will notice the failed OBE experiment on kids is BACK!!

Sen. Ayotte has teamed up with Sen. Coons(D) to help implement the Obama/Tucker workforce agenda in our schools.

If you look at the actual legislation, they are teaming up with the NSF (National Science Foundation) to offer these grants. The devil will be in the details.   What most people don’t know is that the NSF has been responsible for the destruction of math education in this country. With their support for fuzzy math in the schools, they’ve been one of the biggest reasons why our kids suffer in mathematics compared to their international peers (here).

A red flag should have been that the BIA supports this legislation. The same organization that’s selling out NH Students by supporting the Common Core Standards.

“The legislation has been endorsed by the Business and Industry Association of New Hampshire, the University of New Hampshire, the New Hampshire Division of Resources and Economic Development, and the New Hampshire Manufacturing Extension Partnership.”

I suspect Sen. Ayotte has no idea what this is all about. [What, yet another bill not read?  Isn’t that why we send folks to DC and pay a high wage for doing so?  -Skip] Which is why I’d suggest when you do see her/talk to her, you let her know she needs to withdraw from this legislation and oppose it.

The Marc Tucker “Dear Hillary” Letter


  • Ann Marie Banfield

    Ann Marie Banfield has been researching education reform for over a decade and actively supports parental rights, literacy and academic excellence in k-12 schools. You can contact her at: banfieldannmarie@gmail.com

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