New Hampshire Democrat Party Should Pay For Keene Pumpkin Fest Riot

keene riot
Democrat voters in Keene NH

Keene is run by Democrats, you can just tell… (From

KEENE, N.H. (AP) — Officials in a New Hampshire city want the organizers of an annual pumpkin festival to pay $90,000 in costs incurred after violent disturbances broke out this year.

WMUR-TV ( ) reports that city officials say additional security and overtime for police, fire and public works drove the total cost of the event to nearly $150,000.

So, drunken Keene State college hooligans wreck Keene and the Pumpkin Festival folks are to blame?

My recommended two-pronged response–if I were in charge of the Keene Pumpkin Festival–would be as follows.

1.) No.

2.) Goodbye.

There are plenty of towns in New Hampshire that do not have liberal-run college campuses crowded with mobs of roaming drunken malcontents, who would be happy to host an annual pumpkin Festival of this size and scope.  My own town of Merrimack comes to mind.  So I think they should tell Keene to go to hell.

(As a fall back argument remind them that the Obama campaign has never paid   [See also here, here, here, and here…] for any of the local security or clean up any of the times his campaign marched through the Granite State–and that has cost taxpayers a hell of a lot more money,  and not just from the cost of the visits, if you get my meaning.)

Personally, I think my two-pronged response would be more than adequate to get them to back off, but that means they’ll need to find someone else to pin the blame on.

Why not Bill Those Truly Responsible?

I’d ask the town whiners why they are not going after Keene State College from whom the ranks of the unruly mass was spawned?

And any guesses on what percentage of those arrested or detained by police are both paying out of state tuition (they use an out of state drivers license as their photo ID) and are on the Keene voter checklist as registered Democrats?

It is probably an embarrassingly large number.  (Democrats are, after all, the ones most likely to riot.)

And we know that those not detained were also more than likely democrat voters. (Again, Democrats are, after all, the ones most likely to riot.)

So if the city of Keene is uncomfortable asking the college for the cash, they should send the bill to the Keene Democrat city committee or even the New Hampshire Democrat party.  They are the ones who benefit most form the non-resident mob voters.  Make them pay for the mess.

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