Democrat elected NH House Speaker Shawn Jasper (see also Jassper) has some history with regard to dishonest tactics. This is from January 2012…
Rep. Shawn Jasper testified yesterday, January 25, 2012 AGAINST House Bill 1571 “on behalf of the House Republican Majority office,” i.e., Rep. DJ Bettencourt. Oddly enough the GOP leadership was the ONLY opposition to the bill at the public hearing before the House Education Committee.
In his testimony Rep. Jasper defended his opposition to changing the home education law by saying parents could not be relied on to properly assess their children.
Parents were shocked that the majority office of the House opposed this common sense bill that recognized the right of parents to direct their child’s education.
However, when checking with the majority office, it was discovered that the majority office had absolutely NO OPPOSITION to the homeschooling bill. Rep. Jasper had just fabricated that very tall tale — all by himself.
I wonder what he is telling the folks he is surrounding himself with at the State House? Better yet, what did he tell the Democrats? Do you suppose he lied to them as well? Is there any way we can know what kind of leader will show up in the person of Shawn Jasper?
One that opposes homeschooling and is bad on gun rights, at the very least.
From Doris Hohensee c/o Facebook