Rumor has it that Republican National Committee-woman Julianna Bergeron has set a purity test for state committee party members in her County (and presumably the whole state). The test is simple. If you didn’t vote the entire Republican ticket, you should not serve on the NHGOP state committee. She did not mean if you voted for a registered Democrat, she means “if you left a box blank, because the candidate was not your cup of ‘tea,’ –you should not represent Republicans in NH.”
Think about that.
If you could not vote for the guy who helped advance the progressive agenda (Scott Brown) and whose voting record and policy positions violate many planks in the documented and agreed to NH state Republican party platform (voted for by the state delegates), then you are not the right sort to be a New Hampshire delegate says Julianna Bergeron.
You’re either with us or against us, even if “us” is more often than not voting its own party Platform.
For those keeping score, we ‘conservatives’ don’t care if you voted for Brown or not. We counseled against that Faustian bargain but it’s your vote and we’re not going to ask. Besides, if you commit to the NH constitution and the state party platform 8 out of 10 times or better, and you are consistent, we can live with that. If someone better comes along, well–nice knowing you, but there is no purity test on the Real Right™. That is a tale told by RINOs.
The Bergeron wing of the party long ago abandoned the idea that you can’t barter away the right to free speech or self-defense because these are unalienable rights from a creator. ‘Republicans’ like Julianna Bergeron are not interested in taxes or taxpayers, self-defense, life, the border, free markets, religious expression, state sovereignty, or free speech. These are not things to protect but things to give away to appear bipartisan.
Power and prestige are all that matter. If principles get in the way of that then push them aside and grab a drink. Did you happen to bring your checkbook, we want to support Scott Brown even though he supports Democrats more than whatever it is our side represents.
Bergeron doesn’t care what you unload from the truck as long as the truck has an (R) on the side. (We’ve got a newly appointed Republican Committee chair in the NH House who can’t be bothered to vote with her own party even half the time but she’s a good Republican to the likes of Bergeron.)
It won’t surprise most of you to know that every want-to-get-elected-somehow Democrat or union hack who is not a known quantity already is being told by Democrat leadership to run as a Republican. They are systematically trying to fill Republican leaning districts with Democrats.
What are Republicans doing?
Republicans like Bergeron are not just inviting them in, they are defending them. Oh, and did you have friends who ran to be on the state committee? The password to get a nod from leadership is ‘I voted for Scott Brown.’
These are Julianna’s people so of course she wants to be surrounded by them.
So Bergeron is not just advocating a continued leftward expansion she is institutionalizing it. She is building a state committee peopled by ‘Republicans’ who are more and more like Democrats because they are Democrats.
And when they have enough votes they will change the Republican platform to describe a good Republican as someone like Carolyn Gargasz, and the Republican party will be no more.