Part of Skip’s John Hayward quote, posted here, caught my eye.
We’re even presumed guilty of crimes no one actually committed, most notably the horrible “anti-Muslim backlash” that never actually happens after Muslim terrorists commit atrocities.
Backlash. Anti-something backlash.
In this context the social justice left presumes that there is a darkness within us that consumes our faculties and leads us to outrageous and uncivil, even criminal behavior. There is. It is a defining flaw of human nature. The problem is not that all mankind is born with free will and the power to create and to destroy The real issue is projection.
Progressives have cornered the market on the infantile inability to control their own outrage.
Ferguson. Occupy – to a lesser degree. The anti-globalist movement. Enviro-terrorism. Every nationalist-socialist movement ever.
Democrat legislators lying about being spit on or suffering racial epithets or threats. Heck, almost all of the mass shooters are either left-wingers or inspired by them.
And you’ve heard the hate the professional left spews upon women, gays, or blacks who refuse to toe their ideological line. The vitriol directed at all political opponents. These are angry, bitter people obsessed with accumulating power in the hands of angry, bitter people. And it never stops.
The left is constantly in backlash mode. If there is nothing real to feed the fire they make something up. The smallest wound receives salt or pressure. The tiniest ember is fueled to raging fire.
This obsession with being outraged is catalyzed by race-pimps, media-agitators, and Democrat politicians, for the purpose of creating uncivilized and even criminal behavior by members of their own party. It is the foundation of their transformation agenda.
They are not builders of people or things or even ideas. They are destroyers.
Republicans, Conservatives, Libertarians, TEA Party folks, they don’t do that. Democrats do that.