Yesterday Reuters announced that State legislators in each of the 50 states have formed the “American State Legislators for Gun Violence Prevention” (ASLGVP). In other words, anti-2nd Amendment extremists have formed a coalition, most likely paid for with funds from billionaires with armed security (they haven’t release funders yet), have decided to further push gun control legislation across the country.
In a release from the organization, they announced the legislators who attended the meeting. One of the legislators is Robert (Renny) Cushing, Democrat from Hampton. Even though New Hampshire was named the “Safest State in America“, Cushing apparently feels pushing gun control is at the top of his list of importance as the new session takes hold.
New Hampshire has consistently had a low crime rate and always falls within the top 3 for safest states yet Cushing and his fellow ammophobes continually push to take away the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. Even the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) called New Hampshire the best place to live due to quality of life:
New Hampshire scored better than any other state for quality of life. No state had a lower homicide rate than New Hampshire, where there was just barely a single murder per 100,000 residents.
In the press release from ASLGVP Cushing stated the following:
As both a legislator and a survivor of victims of gun violence–my father and brother-in-law were both murdered with firearms–I am inspired by the creation of this new coalition and hopeful it will lead to a reduction in injuries and death. We can honor those families and communities ravaged by gun violence by finding common sense ways to prevent future gun tragedies.
Clearly he isn’t talking about New Hampshire. Either that or he is intentionally lying to Granite Staters to further his agenda. Cushing is also the founder of “Murder Victims’ Families for Human Rights.” Apparently he doesn’t consider self-defense a human right. Anti-2nd Amendment extremists such as Cushing seek to control law-abiding citizens from protecting themselves.
The timing is ironic since the first gun rights rally held by women in New Hampshire took place over the weekend. The “Gun Rights Are Women’s Rights” rally was held by women who are fighting for their Constitutional right to protect themselves. Of course, criminals do not obey gun control laws but this fact doesn’t stop the anti-2nd Amendment crowd. So while Cushing feigns to care about victims out of one side of his mouth; out of the other he is pushing for laws that create more victims.
Cross posted from Examiner