… and the stakes are huge with a giant upside, as well as castrating downside.
But first, do the establishment Republicans even want to fight amnesty? The reason I ask if the crash of rinos in DC want amnesty is simple (beyond the cheap labor for cronies motive), I believe it’s an easy fight to win, if they’re determined to win it. Yet, they play skittish.
Why is it an easy fight? Because Obungler has one recourse, he has but one emaciated arrow in his desolate quiver: Government shutdown.
That’s it. That’s his go to move.
Sure he can bloviate his gaseous vapor and give the Gruber-stupid onanistic delight while simultaneously nauseating conservatives to the point they shut him out. But that’s not doing something. That’s BS-ing. That’s empty, meaningless maundering.
He’s incapable of persuading anyone that’s not already in his camp. That much is evidenced by his exhaustive list of Presidential accomplishments which is about as long as Lena Dunham’s potential date list… not long at all.
So, his game? Shutdown the government, use the sycophantic propagandists at the networks and papers to spread the news that Republicans shutdown the government when the opposite is in fact true, but deemed irrelevant.
And if one listens to the punditocracy and talking heads, that’s a mighty sword.
I disagree.
It’s a PR move, therefore it can be parried by a PR move: a non-stop ad campaign. Thwart the media’s campaigning with campaigning of your own. Use campaign style issue ads pointing out exactly what happened, over and over and over again, something like:
Ominous female voice saying, “President Obama refused to sign another bill to open our government. It’s time for this to stop. Please call the White House and tell him, It’s our government Mr. President, it’s time to sign.”
Use other ads to remind people that he’s a liar (not much is needed). Use video of him saying, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it” which garnered him the Lie of the Year. Use a video montage of him saying he can’t do amnesty over and over, then of him saying he could do it, then saying he didn’t change the law, then show him saying he did “take action to change the law”. Etc.
Look, this isn’t last year, or the year before. In most people’s eyes, he is mendacity personified. He lies, as the old cliché goes, whenever his lip are moving. He’s no longer “the one we’ve been waiting for”, he’s now, “the one we’ve been waiting for to shut up and leave”.
So tactically, I think the GOP could parry his shutdown move and I believe they have the resources (see the endless amount of campaign ads that just relieved our televisions, computer screens, radios etc from the endless depravity of “vote for me”).
The problem is the GOP is bursting with a cash of rinos and they’re already bought and paid for and stand for nothing except for serving another term, dishing enough favors to quid the pro quo cash to get elected to serve another term to dish enough favors… etc
So, say I’m wrong. Say they truly want to stop the amnesty, but it’s a bad move politically. Say I indeed do need to see a psychiatrist to remove these haunting delusions. And say the Republicans are sure to get blamed and risking a shutdown is insane.
Then what?
Well then from now on, whenever there’s a Democrat polluting the oval office with impudence and vice, there’s essentially nothing that can be done about it. Because the primary cudgel of the Congress is simply a flaccid noodle. The House is thus disarming itself. And if members of the House can’t wield the primary power provided by the Constitution to constrain a president’s tantrums, then they are no longer worthy of occupying seats. They’re eunuchs at an orgy, incapable of doing anything except standing by, watching everyone else get screwed.
By the way, all the strategies and tactics mentioned so far by know-it-alls in the media and elsewhere can be thwarted by Obama’s only maneuver too, if you believe it’s that powerful. Whatever version you read of the tactics, they basically go like this to avoid a shutdown detrimental to Republicans: “Fund everything but x, until he rescinds the amnesty.”
There’s only one problem with that. He could veto that too, and if the experts think the Republicans always get blamed for shutdowns, such a tactic could still result in a shutdown. See the problem? There’s no room for concession. Republicans need to take it head on. Fight it or be the awkward eunuch.
And think of the upside to fighting. What if the House follows the tactic laid out above and is able to shrivel his cudgel while maintaining its own?
Think about it. They’ll have a bunch of options. One of which I read somewhere strikes me as the way to go to rein in petulant extraconstitutional thrashings of his despicable tantrums. Only pass quarterly budgets. Hear me out.
Big Gov, is, as is frequently said, like an aircraft carrier, unable to change directions quickly. So, foist by him by his own petard. Have him quickly enact something, then wait while the corpulent, sclerotic beast sloths towards enacting it. The many bureaucrats, many T’s to cross, I’s to dot, and inboxes to traverse to outboxes will delay it enough for Congress to defund it.
If he wants to loose more Progressive lunacy on the rest of us, he won’t be able to. Congress will have its stiff cudgel of a purse in place, and Obozo can’t do anything about it. He must cooperate or be still.
It applies to his administration as well. If the EPA gets out of hand, don’t fund it. The FCC gets out of hand, don’t fund it. The IRS drags it’s feet providing materials to committees, hold off funding until it meets the demands etc etc etc.
He must be beat. He can be beat. Use the purse… of course only if GOP wants to.
Problem remains though…when was the last time you saw a rino with a purse?