The Progressive Hate Machine in Review–Inaugural Edition


Laughing at assault victims, calling women whores, mocking the paraplegic and putting his own kids on food stamps while they live in squalor, that’s Progressive.  And it’s all in a few weeks work of the Progressive Hate Machine.

Welcome to the inaugural edition of The Progressive Hate Machine in Review.

We all know them. We’ve seen them, heard them,  and yes, smelled them. They’re the repulsive breed of humans known as Progressives/Liberals/Leftists/Democrats– for the Review, I’ll simply refer to them all as Progressives except where noted.  And they’re very hateful.  Sure they like to project that label on others, but as I will demonstrate, they simply do that to deflect from their real agenda.

Let’s start off the Review with this delightful fellow, Democrat Rep. Alan Grayson of Florida.  You may remember one of his more charming quips when he said, “If you get sick, America, the Republicans’ health care plan is this: Die quickly.”  How charitable.  Well, he doesn’t only dispense his animus towards Republicans.  It’s true.  Whether verbally or behaviorally, this guy will try to punish you if you get in his way.  Check out what he’s doing to his own children.

He’s 7th Richest member of Congress, worth close to $20 million, (remember that when Democrat’s call the Republicans the party of the rich) and he lets his ex-wife and children go on food stamps and live in a house covered in mold and has a leaky septic tank rather than part with his money.  How upstanding eh?  Glad I’m not his son, sheesh what an a-hole.  But on the other hand,  he is walking the walk.  I mean with the Progressive, the State is supposed to take care of your kids not you.  You’re absolved from caring for others, including your own children, that’s the State’s job.  So let the State pay for his kids… and by the State, I mean YOU.

The ugliness of Progressive hate is not confined to politicians.  When they’re not careful they slip and expose their venomous vitriolic for others to see.  Including the media (I know “Surprise!”).

Check out this woman.  She’s CNN’s Anchor Carol Costello and she’s giddier than Michael Moore in a Fiddle Faddle Factory upon hearing a sound clip of a woman reporting her assault to the police.  Sounds strange right?  Well the caller wasn’t really a woman, at least not to Ms. Costello.  She wasn’t even a human being given Carol’s expressive reaction to the clip. You see it was Bristol Palin on the line, the daughter of the bane of the left Sarah Palin, reporting an assault on her. That’s the reason why it’s so funny.  Because to the Progressive, political opponents are not human, let alone part of the privileged set aside class that receives special treatment.  The class to which so many belong because epiphenomenal traits qualify them for special treatment. And in return for special treatment, the Progressive receives, votes, political money and political power. And if you threaten that, watch out.

Like if you’re black, a woman, gay, or pretty much anyone who’s not a white straight male and you’re also conservative, then that’s worse than being a white straight male.  And your very existence exposes one of their strategies for what it is:  a political charade meant to woo the politically disinclined, disinterested and lazy into giving them more power.  That’s what identity politics is all about. Expose that and you must be destroyed, mocked and banished so that others will ignore you.  Like what they tried to do with Sarah Palin.  So if her daughter gets beaten, good.  She deserved it.  That’s the Progressive way.  Thank Ms Costello for the illustration.  It’s good to remember.

But mockery doesn’t stop with genetic traits, it also applies to injuries.  Say, you had a bit of bad luck and were in a horrible accident that left you in paraplegic.  Well if you don’t think like the Progressive, get ready to be mocked and ridiculed.

A Democrat hack flunky sharing the stage with Wendy Davis at a campaign event mocked her opponent Attorney General Greg Abbot (who is paraplgic) by saying, “And then we have this guy who kind of just rolls around…”  It’s not the first time the ill bred Progressive miscreants mocked and ridiculed his paraplegia.  She’s done it herself.  Not a surprise.  If you know a Progressive, you’ve witnessed if not gagged from their bile. They’re a repugnant bunch.  Walking human excrement is more preferable company than a Progessive.

Attorney General Abbott is not in lock step with the Progressives, so he doesn’t deserve civility or respect.  And nor does that whore Governor Nikki Haley according to her Democrat challenger for South Carolina Governor Vincent Sheheen (spelled differently from Sludge Queen Shaheen, but evidently just as rude).  I’m not making this up.  He called South Carolina’s current Governor, Nikki Haley, a whore.  Then laughed about it.  What a gentleman.

So what does all this say about the Progressive/Left/Democrat/Liberal crowd?  It says all of there so called causes, like war on women, standing up for the needy, helping the assaulted are simply ruses they sell in order to serve their bigger cause of acquiring power and creating bigger and more intrusive government into your life.  Because the more government is in more of your life, the more help you need from the Party Of Government. Which is them.  Democrats, Progressives, Liberals, Leftists.  Their beliefs and convictions run no deeper than that.  Don’t buy their charades. They’re for power and power only.


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