NH Journalism School Starts With ONE Lesson…

I know it’s hard to believe but several NH news outlets have fresher fresh stories about the contentious, obnoxious, overbearing, mean spirited, impossible to get along with – Republican Speaker-elect, Bill O’Brien.

Yes indeed every “NH reporter” worth his salt has to do an anti-Bill O’Brien story. After all, it’s November 22, 2014 and that is the official start of the State Wide Let’s Attack Bill O’Brien Day Week of the Month Club for Democrat Reporters!

Here’s one fresh off the manure pile- “O’Brien 2.0.

And don’t forget the Sunday News and their lead online story – ‘A Kinder Gentler House Speaker.

And over on the seacoast – ‘The Return of Bill O’Brien

I wonder. Does NH Democrat Party Ray Buckley Chairman sit in their laps when they write this stuff or does he simply approve it after the fact?

You know, Ray has some special problems with his associates in the National Democrat Party money machine hierarchy this week.

Seems NH journalists like to follow the money or the “phone jamming” but not the NH connections to the Democrat Party big wigs when they are arrested for filming themselves having sex with 15 year olds.

Let me tip you off, NH journalists, to a story you could do. See if this sounds familiar. (No one got to warn Terry Bean four days ahead of the cops getting into his bedroom so he could get rid of the camera in the ceiling.)

Some of us are watching.

Stay tuned for more news from these NH journalists because coming up is: See How Many Times You Can Write About How POPULAR Maggie Hassan Is Week.


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