Media “Drug” Mules

Steve MacDonald

Drug muleI don’t comment often, but when I do… Skip asks me to put it up as a separate post.

This comment was below his followup on James Pindell’s Sullivan County geography shenanigans during the last Brown Shaheen debate–a story we also discussed this morning (it won our WTF of the Week) on GrokTALK!

Now that it is a national story, plenty of folks will know Brown was more or less right, a lot more than would have ever suspected (because of Pindell) that he might be wrong.

This also makes you wonder about Pindell. We know DiStaso was tight with Ray Buckley.   Now it seems obvious–if ever it were not–that Pindell is happily toeing Buckley’s narrative as well.   Not just as a media lefty who agrees with him but as a prompted drug mule — the drug being the lefts narrative delivered to the people by the press

Of course, Pindell got it backwards. He is supposed to create the narrative for Democrats to run with–giving it legitimacy as a talking point for the party. Here, he took up their talking point late in the fourth quarter, gave it a name tag with ” Mary Jo Kopechne” on it, and ran it off a bridge in front of a national audience.

James did walk it back (Skips coverage of that can be found here), and this is my original post before the walk back.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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