Bill O’Brien for NH House Speaker


shaheen hands up

To all newly-elected NH State Representatives:

I hope that on Tuesday, Nov 18th, you’ll select Bill O’Brien as Caucus Leader, then House Speaker.

The NHGOP establishment is gunning, again, for someone who votes least with the Republican platform (Gene Chandler).  His HRA scores have been consistently in the low 80% range.  Democrats most definitely want Chandler to be the next Speaker and, in the failed Republican moderate-prototype that was Scott Brown, so do Kelly Ayotte, Jennifer Horn, and John Sununu.

Another candidate, Lori Sanborn, is plenty Conservative and created the NH House Business Coalition, but (in my opinion) does not yet have the legislative experience to be an effective House Speaker, especially in the face of the coming storm of adversity and criticism.  She would do better becoming a caucus leader first, or growing the Business Coalition, before stepping into this highly exposed and challenging role.

Beyond that, O’Brien is a no-nonsense, Libertarian-leaning Conservative, who not only follows the Party Platform and Constitutions, he led the House Republican Alliance (HRA), which was created to measure Republicans against these critical standards.

I know Bill and advocated for his Speakership in 2010.  You can tell how effective he was (and will be) by the vicious demonization he received from Liberals, who spit fire and venom at the mere thought of him.  We needed him to lead the House in 2010 and we need him again, as our bulkhead, ensuring a sensible budget, shrinking government, and steering liberty-eroding bills into the ditch they belong in.

It’s time all Republicans stand strong and exploit our election victories, showing principle and steadfast resilience, as O’Brien has shown.  Time and again, it has been proven that the public respects integrity and backbone, not placation or appeasement.

At Granite Grok, we interviewed Bill O’Brien and will be placing segments of that interview up on our blog this week.  I encourage you to watch these and to check for more each day.  Here are three so far: (1) (2) (3)

Note: RLCNH also endorsed O’Brien this week.



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