Thanks to Shaheen and Shea-Porter – healthcare is now UNaffordable!

Kimberly Morin

I’m one of those pA-cartoon-obamacare-this-is-going-to-hurteople who has had health insurance for the majority of my life.  I’m an insurance-type person.  I’m one of those people who believe in being covered for the ‘what ifs’.  Heck I even have pet insurance for my bulldogs!

Even on older vehicles I get the maximum coverage of insurance and I purchased extra cancer insurance since it runs in my family.  I have auto insurance, home insurance, life insurance, dental insurance, extra coverage for health insurance, vision insurance, pet insurance and sometimes travel insurance!

I’m a firm believer in insurance but all of the above are optional and none were MANDATED in New Hampshire until Shaheen and Shea-Porter decided to vote for Obamacare AGAINST the wishes of the majority.  All hell broke loose once it was actually implemented:  People in NH lost the health insurance plans they liked; they lost doctors they liked and they lost the hospitals they actually lived near.

Those who didn’t lose their plans saw premiums rise; deductibles rise; Out-of-Pocket maximums rise by the thousands all while it cost more for services!  I used to pay co-pays for physical therapy, NOW if I need PT I have to pay in full until I reach my deductible.  How in the hell is that affordable?  There are many, many,  many other stories like this.

What happened to “Most middle class families will save $2,500 per year?” Obama, Shaheen and Shea-Porter intentionally LIED about Obamacare and not only are WE, THE PEOPLE paying the price but so is the economy.  Why?  Because we have to use so much more of our hard-earned cash to pay for health insurance and pay for services we ONCE RECEIVED as part of our health plans, we have less money to put INTO the economy to help stimulate it.

As usual with far left wing policies, the Middle Class pays the price.  Not only do we have to subsidize those getting Obamacare but we pay more for our own health insurance and health care costs.  What’s going to happen as a result?  Those who have to pay more for services are going to forego healthcare treatment because it’s simply UNaffordable.   How does that help ANYONE?

For those who have always had health insurance, you know exactly how much costs have risen over the years and how health insurance has changed.  One thing is for certain, healthcare costs are RISING, not falling, as Shaheen, Shea-Porter and their buddy Obama all promised.  Shaheen and Shea-Porter both claim they are out to help the middle class when they’ve done nothing but hurt the middle class, especially with Obamacare.

Shaheen had already destroyed affordable healthcare in New Hampshire when she was in State-level politics.   She just keeps hammering the nail into the healthcare coffin.  Just wait to see what happens with health insurance after the election.

In other words Granite State Middle Class – Shaheen, Shea-Porter and every single Democrat who voted for Obamacare and who supports it says ‘SCREW YOU!’


  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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