High Point University in North Carolina did a survey in NC, CO, and NH. Some of the questions covered issues that come up often so I synopsized some of the NH results and posted the entire pdf on the jump. These are the NH results only for the 824 likley voters surveyed.
63% to 32% said the country was “seriously off on the wrong track.”
54%-41% Disapprove of Obama
48%-47% Disapprove of Jeanne Shaheen (5% don’t know or did not answer)
48%-46% Shaheen over Brown if the election were today. (5% don’t know or did not answer)
50%-42% Hassan over Havenstein (4% other, 4% undecided)
44%-43% generic Republican over Democrat (6% other 7% undecided)
46% No chance they’d vote for Hillary in 2016
71%-25% Should be required to show ID to vote.
43% -31% Worse off than a year ago.
52%-40% Unfavorable opinion of Obamacare
40% / 36% / 21% Medicinal Marijuana, Personal use, Don’t legalize at all
52% -30% There would be less violent crime if more law abstaining people had guns vs. banning guns.