When people who politicize everything in the pursuit of power spend twenty-trillion of someone elses dollars in just a few years, well that buys a lot of something, and where Democrats are concerned it is called progress. No, it wasn’t for science, or bridges, or good paying Middle Class jobs,* or equality, or security, prosperity, or happiness. It didn’t buy experts, unless by experts you mean those expert at buying favors, concealing facts, spinning statistics, dodging investigations, or refusing explanation.
These things (facts, statistics, scrutiny, and investigation) are all enemies of the left and its agenda and are to be avoided at all cost. Why else do you think New Hampshire’s Democrat delegation refuses to expose themselves to unfiltered questioning. Not only are they part and parcel to the hypocrisy and deception, they are also too stupid even to survive questioning by those they intend to rule.
The science of scrutiny, when turned on Democrat politicians and bureaucrats, (also called hate speech) reveals a nasty truth; that the left is an incompetent tribe of liars and hypocrites only in it for the money and the power. And if you leave them to their druthers they will fill the clubhouse leadership team with lobbyists, donors, hangers-on, and serial sycophants, who will parade before your eyes every human weakness in the blind pursuit of power that our founding documents were created to protect us from.
Our government agencies are overwhelmed with partisan gate-keepers whose only skill-set is kissing someone elses ass or paying someone else to kiss it for them. They are schemers, fraudsters, and confidence men, women, or people of indeterminate gender, all sent to eat out our substance. All of whom are complicit in the ongoing Shakespearean tragedy which many years from now will be a play in three Acts (performed at the ACORN memorial Amphitheater, right behind and to the left of the Obama Presidential Library and “Don’t Let the Bitter Clingers Punish you with a baby” Abortion Clinic), appropriately named “The Obama Years – What the Hell We’re We Thinking?”
We we’re thinking, “Hey, let’s prove Martin Luther King right and elect someone leader of the free world based only on the color of their skin (and not their character) and see what happens?”
“The Obama Years – What the Hell We’re We Thinking?” That is what happened.
When you let serial sycophants, lobbyists, donors, and hangers-on cluster around a narcissist in other parts of the world you have some kind of despotism. When you do it in America you get to observe first hand the fall of a modern economic power-house into a social and fiscal cesspool that is chronically backed up so that the caretakers can explain (in small words and short sentences) that this is your fault; but they may be able to make things run with just a few more well-placed lobbyists, donors, hangers-on and serial sycophants, and “a little bit more of your money” to ensure these *new millionaires have means and motivation to…make matters worse as a matter of policy and self-interest.
This is the point at which a few of you will have grasped that “Pharaoh” has told the recorders of the histories to redefine the words ‘run,’ and ‘things–a problem we can view much more closely than we’d like with the recent invitation of Ebola across the American threshold. What was once viewed as a somewhat competent agency, the CDC, has been reduced to a center-ring, clown-car circus show of some experts handicapped by an institutional obsession with undefinable terms like social justice. wildly unproductive tangents that direct resources in perennially unproductive directions, all under the watchful eyes of political operatives whose only concern is to manage perception and engage in deflection, even at the expense of common sense, quality of life, and other people’s lives.
The public-health profession has a clear political orientation, so it’s quite possible that its opposition to a visa and travel moratorium is influenced as much by belief in America’s responsibility for the postcolonial oppression of Africa, and suspicion of American border enforcement, as it is by a commitment to public-health principles of containment and control. (African countries, unburdened by any such racial guilt, have not hesitated to impose travel bans; Nigeria’s travel restrictions are now being credited for its escape from an Ebola incursion.) To be sure, the logistics of such a moratorium would be challenging, but no more challenging than retrofitting American hospitals for Ebola patients.
While the ‘experts’ were pounding their chests, regular folk were dumbfounded by the simplicity of the solution. Stop the flights and filter the borders.
If Democrats just implement a fraction of the scrutiny to travelers from infected or foreign countries that they did to non-profits interested in engaging in political speech they object to, (see also- roll the border patrol into the IRS) there wouldn’t be any need to promulgate another ‘left-wing moral equivalent of war’ contingency operation to address the man made disaster (along with the “necessary” alerts, military-esque muster and requests for even more funding) within those borders.
(Poison filled curly-q compact fluorescent light bulbs illuminate)
In the Obama years “Failure” only ever benefits the state and the army of bureaucrats, the serial sycophants, lobbyists, donors, and hangers-on, people who are capable of creating, naming, and massaging crisis–ooh you just excited my despotism Chakra–but ill equipped to resolve it, unless resolve is now defined as pointing your finger followed by the next taxpayer bread and or circus.
Ebola, if you had failed to consider, just happens to have the potential to advance several destructive goals of the left–one of which is the retroactive abortion of objectionable populations (for whom there is no room in their utopia) that escaped “rights not exercised” by their mothers while they were too tiny to observe or interject on the center-ring, clown-car circus show of experts handicapped by an institutional obsession with undefinable terms like social justice; who run a government that has exercised taxation without representation upon those generations not yet-born who might actually survive the womb, and some day be given a job, the privilege of which will cost them a large portion of their earnings (to which they are not entitled) as tribute to the interest on the wildly abusive spending that occurred decades ago in “The Obama Years – What the Hell We’re We Thinking?”
Local government, by the way, is not immune to that infection. New Hampshire has plenty of Obama-esque serial sycophants, lobbyists, donors, and hangers-on, all of whom would like to wring Granite Stater’s paychecks like a wet hand-towel for every drop of “moisture” they can mange. In my town of Merrimack at least half of the candidates for the New Hampshire House were not just fans of Barack I, they were Team leaders or coordinators for his progressive conquistadors, Obama for America; the rest of the candidates are little more than rubber-stamp place holders for same.
With Democrat governor Maggie Hassan’s department heads looking to wring us out of another 2,000,000,000.00 (billion) New Hampshire Dollars in their next budget, it is obvious that Obama-loving sycophants are the key to bringing New Hampshire more in line with the Federal governments policy of reducing its citizenry to taxpaying chattel.
If the Obama years have taught us anything it is that bigger government does not work anywhere it is tried, even here, and it just attracts more parasites whose increasing numbers serve only to bloat budgets, and waste resources for the purpose of making interacting with that government less appealing than getting Ebola. But then, that is what social justice does. It is the act of creating an environment where common sense cannot survive, a salted earth policed by hypocrites spending other peoples money to enrich themselves and their supporters.
Curing this infection could take years, but it begins November 4th. It begins by refusing to support Democrats and their destructive agenda. No, they are not the only cause of a very invasive disease, but they are the primary pathogen. Until we excise them from positions of power, we will never turn form this path